On 05/03/2011 04:13 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:
On May 3, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:

On May 3, 2011, at 10:16 AM, Keith McGuigan wrote:

The number of issues with that gamma/Queens makefile logic is too
high, and it's not something we ship anyway. In my opinion, we
should be restricting ourselves to building what we ship as part of
the product, or what we need to make that build happen. So in my
opinion, the whole thing needs to be moved to the hotspot/test

In addition, the gamma launcher code is riddled with
troublesome/buggy code that gets little attention, mostly because
it isn't shipped as part of the product. If you guys want this code
as part of the build, it needs some attention. If it is just a test
case, then isolate it and make it one.

We need to do a better job of separating out the building logic
from the testing logic.

Just my 2 cents... ;^)

Here here!

In the macosx-port we explicitly added a hook to ignore the gamma
test because cross compiling with the Apple Java SE 6 (which is how
_everyone_ gets off the ground) is impossible otherwise.

We have the same problem in IcedTea. We have a patch that disables the gamma test so we can bootstrap openjdk with gcj. A proper way to skip the gamma test will be very useful.


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