On 30/11/2012 17:05, Kelly O'Hair wrote:

The overlay image has been one of these special cases that I would like to 
avoid, but at the same time, building two rt.jar
files for the 32bit and 64bit images seems pretty silly too.
So for the sake of simplicity, I'm willing to take the "build two rt.jar hit", 
and get rid of the overlay images, with the hopes
that someday we stop building 32bit images. And keeping them separate might make the 
"get rid of 32bit builds" an easier
path to take in the future.  And I do consider jigsaw extremely important, so 
we need to answer this issue for you guys.

So unless I hear otherwise, we will be moving down the "no more overlay images on 
Solaris" path.

As David points out, we will need to change the Solaris packaging.  This will 
not be trivial, but I think it is the right road to take.

My only issue right now is that resources are tight, so this change may need to 
be merged with the build-infra
project work. I'll start by filing some Issues in  JIRA for this.


This is very welcome news. I agree with your point that if the images are separate then it will likely help with the retirement of the 32-bit image.

I agree with you that there will be implications, packaging in particular. I also assume it makes the launcher -d64 option defunct for example.

I also agree it's pointless doing this for the old build system although we have those changes in the jigsaw forest and they are trivial.

So does this need a JEP, I suspect it might.


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