On 24/02/2013 4:19 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 2:45 AM, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com
<mailto:alan.bate...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    On 23/02/2013 10:29, David Holmes wrote:

        Just be aware there's a lot more involved in doing this than
        just changing one a name in a makefile.

    You beat to me too! Yes, there are likely a lot of scripts and paths
    that assume the image name is j2sdk-image or j2re-image so renaming
    will be a bit disruptive.

Sure, but you are *already* making a huge disruptive change to build
directory layout.  People have to change their scripts from

Not quite. You can still have full control of the first directory component [1] so for most builds there is no change there at all and no disruption.

The additional images directory is also easily accommodated. Scripts/processes that copy the images from path-A to path-B just need to tweak path-A. But if you rename the actual j2sdk-image etc you have to update everything that uses path-B.

Especially the repetition of "image" seems wrong in the new layout.

The new build tries to have a top-level directory for each major build component. Hence images has its own directory.


[1] Simplest way is:
> mkdir mydir
> cd mydir
> <path-to-configure>/configure

Why not

If you really want to keep "j2sdk-image", move it back into its parent

    Also I think the initial goal of the new build system was to get it
    to the point where it generated the "same bits" as the old build. I
    assume this is why the new build went for the same directory names
    as the old build (and probably because of scripts depending on the
    name too).

Hopefully the new build system will lead to an increase, not decrease,
in overall sanity.

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