Comments inline.


> On 6 mar 2014, at 10:50, Erik Joelsson <> wrote:
> Thanks for the comments.
> Here is a new webrev:

Looks good to me now!

>> On 2014-03-05 12:16, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> Good work!
>> Some comment:
>> * In JavaCompilation.gmk:
>> add_files_to_copy_and_clean should be named only "..to_clean", otherwise it 
>> sounds as it is handling the copy part too. This was bad even before your 
>> fix, but then nobody really used that code. Could you please fix that?
> Done
>> I have a hard time figuring out that sed expression, including your 
>> additions. Do you mind trying to document its intentions?
> Done

Thanks for both. 

>> * In CompileCorba.gmk;
>> The removed JAR line looks weird. Is it an webrev artifact or was it 
>> dangling like that in the original makefile? How in the world come make 
>> didn't complain about it?
> It was unintentionally left there in my last change and this was a cleanup. 
> It probably worked because there was no active left parentheses so the extra 
> two right ones where just considered part of the value of the arbitrary 
> variable "JAR".

Weird. But you're probably right. Darn that 70's syntax. :-)

>> The copy of zh_XX is done in GensrcCorba, but the original file is created 
>> in CompileCorba. Does that really work? On a clean compile? Looks incorrect 
>> to me.
> The original file is in the source tree and I generate the zh_HK version by 
> copying it to gensrc. Then in CompileCorba all the properties files exist as 
> source files for the clean. I could have opted to copy the cleaned file in 
> CompileCorba instead but I thought this was easier. I realize it's not 
> consistent with how it's done in the jdk repo though.

Aha, I see now that you copy the properties file. I misread it as the java 
file. Ok.

>> * In CopyIntoClasses:
>> Is there a reason the swingbeaninfo gif files are not stored in the 
>> corresponding source directory? (I have a vague feeling this one been up 
>> before for discussion...)
> The rest of swingbeans is generated source so I guess it makes sense to some 
> that the resources also be in the make/data dir. I would prefer to have them 
> in the corresponding source dir, but would rather not take that fight now and 
> potentially hold up this patch.

Fair enough. There's still plenty left to cleanup for everyone. :) 

>> I'm not clear about the handling of zh_XX files here. First, you have an 
>> install-file %-pattern rule. Then you have an COPY_EXTRA addition. Are both 
>> needed? Why? Is it to create dependencies on the copied files?
> If you look in CompileJavaClasses.gmk, from which CopyIntoClasses.gmk is 
> included, COPY_EXTRA is simply added to the dependency list at the end, so 
> yes, that's what it is. A pattern rule in itself will not be very useful 
> without some targets being depended on.

Right. I got it confused with the COPY and CLEAN variables being passed into 
the macro call.

>> Have you confirmed that the CLEAN_FILES list does not intersect with the 
>> properties files listed for compilation?
> Yes, I handled this one line at a time from the old GensrcProperties, and 
> I've run a lot of compares on the resulting jars during this effort.
>> * In GensrcProperties:
>> There was a comment on us not handling removed properties correctly in 
>> incremental builds. That's still applicable, right?
> Where was this comment? We don't handle removed files well in most cases 
> since that's not how make normally works. Automatically removing files in the 
> output requires keeping books on which files generated what and to have a 
> separate remove step in the makefile. Fredrik wrote this for jar file 
> generation so it probably works when removing java files today. If removing a 
> C file, it will not be linked, but the object file will still be around.
>> The zh_XX code (again): there are two pattern rules with the same target. Do 
>> we alternatively copy generated and pre-generated files from 
>> src/share/classes? What if they clash? (I'm no good at how make resolved 
>> pattern rules.) If the zh_TW file is checked in and not generated, shouldn't 
>> we check in a copy as the zh_HK file as well?
> There are some pre-generated java properties bundles in the source tree yes. 
> I chose not to change anything regarding them. As for clashing, the first 
> rule that matches will be used. In this case I very much doubt we will ever 
> see a clash.
>> In convert_tw_to_hk, what kind of sed expression is that? Never seen one of 
>> those; what does it do?
> I'm pretty sure it was just picked up from the old build. My understanding is 
> that it searches for a line matching the regexp "class" and if found does a 
> single search replace for "_zh_TW" to "_zh_HK" on that line.

Aha, it's a combined /class/ and s/zh_TW/zh_HK/. I see. Thought it was some 
fancy four-way operator. 

> /Erik
>> /Magnus
>>> 4 mar 2014 kl. 16:49 skrev Erik Joelsson <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> Here is a rather big patch that mainly cleans up build logic for properties 
>>> files and other java resources. For a complete list of what was done, 
>>> please see the bug.
>>> Bug:
>>> Webrev:
>>> /Erik

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