A broader question this issue raises is why are components like corba built using the book JDK rather than the JDK they are a part of?


On 04/03/2014 01:43 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

We had problems in jdk9/dev in the last day or so where there were changes pushed to the corba repo that use APIs that are new in JDK 8. This caused problems when building jdk9/dev with a 7uX build as the boot JDK and made it obvious that there are a mix of boot JDKs in use (some people use 7uX, some use 8).

I'm wondering when is the time to move to requiring the boot JDK be a JDK 8 build? This came up in December too when a change to langtools had to be reserved in order to keep jdk9/dev building with a 7uX build as the boot JDK.

Are there any reasons not to switch now?


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