I also found these random notes scribbled down that I forgot to add to the previous mails:

* In CoreLibraries.gmk, we have dead code defining BUILD_LIBVERIFY_SRC which is not used anymore.

* In Tools.gmk, I notice that we copy the files $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/%.template, but if they are only used by our build tools, they should probably live in make/data somewhere.

* In SoundLibraries.gmk, the source code splitting is not complete. The directory libjsound is used to build not only libjsound but libjsoundalsa and libjsoundds, and thus needs a complex include/exclude system like before.

* In CompileDemos, we create demo/jpda/src.zip. This includes source code from src/demo/share (expected), but also from jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/example/... (unexpected!). Should example code really live in the jdk.jdi package, and not in src/demo?


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