For test automation purposes we want a way to run jtreg tests for the different 
components (jdk, langtools, jaxp, hotspot, nashorn) in a unified way from the 
command line. We also want each component to be able to define how jtreg is 
invoked (problemlists, concurrency, agentvm, ...).  There is already some 
support for running jtreg tests from the <top>/test folder, but it is not 
general enough since it isn't possible to pick individual tests or specific 
test groups. It is also not possible to direct the output to a common location. 

The proposed solution is to be able to run jtreg tests using make from within 
the <top>/test folder like this: 

  $ make JT_JAVA=<jdk path> JT_HOME=<jtreg path> PRODUCT_HOME=<jdk product 
path> \
    TESTDIRS=../<jdk/nashorn/langtools/hotspot/jaxp> TEST_SELECTION=<path to 
test or jtreg group> \
    TEST_OUTPUT_DIR=<path> jtreg_tests 

This will run the specified tests and collect output in TEST_OUTPUT_DIR/jtreg. 
EXTRA_JTREG_OPTIONS is also supported to add additional options to the jtreg 
command line. 

No existing behavior should be changed.



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