
Long awaited changes, thank you for doing it.

Is it possible to use the same code for hotspot/test/Makefile:128 and

  84   ifdef ALT_OUTPUTDIR
  85     ABS_OUTPUTDIR = $(shell $(CD) $(ALT_OUTPUTDIR) && $(PWD))
  86   else
  87     ABS_OUTPUTDIR = $(shell $(CD) $(TEST_ROOT)/.. && $(PWD))
  88   endif


On 2016-05-10 15:21, Staffan Larsen wrote:
> For test automation purposes we want a way to run jtreg tests for the 
> different components (jdk, langtools, jaxp, hotspot, nashorn) in a unified 
> way from the command line. We also want each component to be able to define 
> how jtreg is invoked (problemlists, concurrency, agentvm, ...).  There is 
> already some support for running jtreg tests from the <top>/test folder, but 
> it is not general enough since it isn't possible to pick individual tests or 
> specific test groups. It is also not possible to direct the output to a 
> common location. 
> The proposed solution is to be able to run jtreg tests using make from within 
> the <top>/test folder like this: 
>   $ make JT_JAVA=<jdk path> JT_HOME=<jtreg path> PRODUCT_HOME=<jdk product 
> path> \
>     TESTDIRS=../<jdk/nashorn/langtools/hotspot/jaxp> TEST_SELECTION=<path to 
> test or jtreg group> \
>     TEST_OUTPUT_DIR=<path> jtreg_tests 
> This will run the specified tests and collect output in 
> TEST_OUTPUT_DIR/jtreg. EXTRA_JTREG_OPTIONS is also supported to add 
> additional options to the jtreg command line. 
> No existing behavior should be changed.
> webrev: 
> <>
> bug: 
> <>
> Thanks,
> /Staffan

Dmitry Samersoff
Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
* I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the sources.

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