
Here's a patch on top of your patch:

Currently building/testing with both patches applied.


> On 13 Dec 2017, at 08:44, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
>> On 12 Dec 2017, at 20:56, David Holmes <> wrote:
>> Anyway, none of the proposed changes have any impact on hotspot AFAICT. It 
>> is only when the actual version is updated to 11 that hotspot, and other 
>> entities will have to be updated. I'm still unclear if someone is actually 
>> driving the entire "update to version 11" process? Is there an umbrella 
>> issue for it?
> No yet, i was hoping we could consolidate as much as possible under one issue 
> thereby minimising coordination/process i.e. combine the release and class 
> file versions under one patch. Then stand back and see what is missing e.g. 
> ctsym stuff etc.
> Paul.

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