On 04/06/2018 21:40, Bob Vandette wrote:
I could live with a jlink option to create a JRE.  The problem is that the list 
of modules required to produce a
compatible JRE is not documented anywhere.  I tried fishing the list out of the 
build makefile but it’s not trivial.  I ended
up running “jimage list module | grep Module: on a JDK 10 JRE to get the list.

The `release` file in the top-level directory has a `MODULES` key with the complete list. Alternatively, `java --list-modules`.

In addition, there are other options used and it might that we should have the build invoke `jlink` with `--save-opts` so that the options are saved. Part of the original motive for `--save-opts` was to support a way to "relink" to re-run the link with the same options but pick up newer versions of the modules.


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