On Wed, 16 Dec 2020 18:34:37 GMT, Naoto Sato <na...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> @AlanBateman The process of modularization was not fully completed with 
>>> Project Jigsaw, and a few ugly warts remained. I was under the impression 
>>> that these should be addressed in follow-up fixes, but this was 
>>> unfortunately never done. Charsets and cldrconverter were both split 
>>> between a core portion in java.base and the rest in jdk.charsets and 
>>> jdk.localedata, respectively, but the split was never handled properly, but 
>>> just "duct taped" in place.
>>> I chose to put the data files used for both java.base and the "additional" 
>>> modules in java.base, based on the comment that Naoto made in 
>>> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/build-dev/2020-March/027044.html:
>>> > As to charsetmapping and cldrconverter, I believe they can reside in
>>> > java.base, as jdk.charsets and jdk.localedata modules depend on it.
>>> Of course it would be preferable to make a proper split, but that requires 
>>> work done by the component teams to break the modules apart.
>>> Specifically for make/modules/jdk.charsets/Gensrc.gmk; the code in that 
>>> file is more or less duplicated in 
>>> make/modules/java.base/gensrc/GensrcCharsetMapping.gmk, since the same data 
>>> set is processed twice, once for java.base and once for jdk.charsets. I 
>>> don't think that means that make/modules/jdk.charsets/Gensrc.gmk should 
>>> move to any other place.
>> I still stand by what I wrote above. It's best to put data in java.base for 
>> charsets/localedata. Otherwise we would have to duplicate some in each 
>> modules source directory.
>>I also think that the person most qualified to judge about charsetmapping is 
>>@naotoj, which has already accepted this review as it is.
> Although I am the current RE for the charsets component, I succeeded it from 
> Alan/Sherman, so I would like to hear Alan's opinion on this.

@naotoj  @AlanBateman I have now rolled back any changes to make/data/cldr and 

I have also updated copyright years; thanks for reminding me Naoto!


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1611

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