This feature has been around for a long time in other languages. Mainly for 
automatic insertion of values for string formatting, such as template strings 
in Python3 or JavaScript (maybe with different names).<br/><br/>Below are some 
examples of template strings.<br/><br/>For example, after Python 3.6+, Python 
can format strings like this:<br/><br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; name = 
&quot;Fred&quot;<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;He said his name is 
{name!r}.&quot;<br/>&quot;He said his name is 'Fred'.&quot;<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; 
f&quot;He said his name is {repr(name)}.&quot;  # repr() is equivalent to 
!r<br/>&quot;He said his name is 'Fred'.&quot;<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; width = 
10<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; precision = 4<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; value = 
decimal.Decimal(&quot;12.34567&quot;)<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;result: 
{value:{width}.{precision}}&quot;  # nested fields<br/>'result:      
12.35'<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; today = datetime(year=2017, month=1, 
day=27)<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;{today:%B %d, %Y}&quot;  # using date format 
specifier<br/>'January 27, 2017'<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;{today=:%B %d, 
%Y}&quot; # using date format specifier and debugging<br/>'today=January 27, 
2017'<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; number = 1024<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;{number:#0x}&quot; 
 # using integer format specifier<br/>'0x400'<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; foo = 
&quot;bar&quot;<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;{ foo = }&quot; # preserves 
whitespace<br/>&quot; foo = 'bar'&quot;<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; line = &quot;The 
mill's closed&quot;<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;{line = }&quot;<br/>'line = 
&quot;The mill\'s closed&quot;'<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;{line = 
:20}&quot;<br/>&quot;line = The mill's closed   &quot;<br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; 
f&quot;{line = !r:20}&quot;<br/>'line = &quot;The mill\'s closed&quot; 
'<br/><br/>output {}:<br/><br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; f&quot;Out: 
text:<br/><br/>count=1<br/>out=f&quot;&quot;&quot;<br/>Count is: 
{count}<br/>Count is: {count}<br/>Count is: 
{count}<br/>&quot;&quot;&quot;<br/><br/>example from: <a 
 strings also exist in JavaScript, e.g.:<br/><br/>// Untagged, these create 
strings:<br/>`string text`<br/><br/>`string text line 1<br/> string text line 
2`<br/><br/>let expression=&quot;,&quot;;<br/><br/>`string text ${expression} 
string text`<br/><br/>Reference address: <a 
 you want Java to optimize the way of formatting strings in Text Blocks, you 
can refer to the implementation of Python or JavaScript.<br/><br/><html>
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