On Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:48:59 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Which directory do you suggest to put the exports list in ? Do we create a 
> > new directory or use any existing directory.
> My initial thinking is like Erik's, that this list should be dynamically 
> generated at build-time. I am pretty sure that anything but doing that will 
> end up with hard-to-debug problems in the future. At build-time, you know 
> exactly what symbols you are linking with.
> If this, for some reason, is infeasible, then we can discuss how to 
> generate/update such a list, and where to put it. If the list needs to be 
> manually generated ahead-of-time of the build, then this should ideally be 
> done by a script that is checked in. If manual intervention/curation is 
> needed, then this needs to be properly documented.
> Just pushing a list like this, with no explanation, is not going to cut it, 
> regardless of where in the source code tree it is stored.

There is not generic way of generating this. It needs a manual intervention and 
symbols are to be added on a need basis in future. Looks like a list to be 
I had tried adding comments to explain the list, but that causes build 
Can you point on any guidelines and todos to document this ?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16414#issuecomment-1806047128

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