On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 14:21:28 GMT, Julian Waters <jwat...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Haha, thanks both. Though one thing has been annoying me ever since I wrote 
> this, it's the fact that no "AC_UNDEF" exists to erase macros defined by 
> AC_DEFUN. Overwriting macros like this, especially macros that are part of 
> the "autoconf standard library", is a little bit painful to me. On the other 
> hand, not like there is another way either... (I guess m4_undefine exists, 
> but that seems to be more for macros defined with m4_define, though I have 
> tried using it on macros defined by AC_DEFUN and it _did_ work)

I don't think it's strange that they aren't duplicating existing m4 
functionality. If you want to undefine macros you are already moving outside of 
the intended autoconf APIs so having to reach for direct m4 functionality would 
be expected.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17401#issuecomment-1901129889

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