On Tue, 9 Apr 2024 20:10:36 GMT, Mikael Vidstedt <mik...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Thank you for the update and for working on this in general.
> I've started working on JDK-8329816, preparing the change for the SLEEF 
> specific part of the change. Specifically, I'm currently planning on 
> including the three SLEEF header files, the README and a legal/sleef.md file 
> in that change. Let me know if you have any thoughts/concerns.

Thanks a lot, that's a great news. Please go ahead to integrate the files via 
JDK-8329816. :)
Besides of the performance issue currently found out, I have no other concerns. 

> Also, just for my understanding, would love to understand your thoughts on 
> the future here (I apologize if this was already discussed elsewhere):
> It seem like SLEEF is (sort of) limited to linux at this point (the SLEEF 
> README mentions that "Due to limited test capacities, SLEEF is currently only 
> officially supported on Linux with gcc or llvm/clang." ). That same README 
> does, however, indicate good test coverage on several architectures in 
> addition to aarch64 (including x86_64, PPC, RISC-V). With that in mind, it 
> looks like we could potentially use SLEEF for other architectures on linux in 
> the future? And potentially additional operating systems as well?

There are more informantion at https://sleef.org/compile.xhtml, seems it could 
be formally supported in the future, but I'm not sure about it.
Maybe others have more information could help to comment here. Thanks!


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18605#issuecomment-2047008550

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