On 19/06/2024 10:25 am, Anil wrote:
I want to try out a small contribution to the JDK and wanted to build the JDK first, before I change the code. I forked and cloned the jdk following the instructions at The OpenJDK Developers' Guide – OpenJDK Developers’ Guide <https://openjdk.org/guide/#cloning-the-jdk>

I am on Windows 11.
These instructions are given on the page but I am unsure which of these to execute since I have already forked and cloned the git repo

You jumped from the cloning instructions to the building instructions, which are given for a particular Linux development system. You need to adjust for Windows - see the doc/building.md file in the repo you cloned.

|$ wget https://download.java.net/java/GA/jdk16/7863447f0ab643c585b9bdebf67c69db/36/GPL/openjdk-16_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz <https://download.java.net/java/GA/jdk16/7863447f0ab643c585b9bdebf67c69db/36/GPL/openjdk-16_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz> $ tar xzf openjdk-16_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz $ sudo apt-get install autoconf zip make gcc g++ libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libxrandr-dev libxtst-dev libxt-dev libcups2-dev libfontconfig1-dev libasound2-dev $ cd jdk $ sh ./configure --with-boot-jdk=$HOME/jdk-16/ $ make images|

Do I still need to do the wget?

The wget is to download a boot JDK for the build to use. If you already have one installed then you don't need to download one. Also wget is a Linux utility not Windows.

Also, I wondered if I should use book jdk-17 instead of jdk-16 as in the instructions above.

If you are building mainline JDK then at this stage you need a JDK 22 boot JDK.




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