> A quick read includes that these reviewers can include teams which I
> interpret as it can easily be the whole of the PMC who have linked to a
> GitHub account.

I will explore it in detail when we will set it up.

> I wonder if a future enhancement would be to use an API to connect to the
> ADP to confirm that releases to PyPi (and other distribution platforms) has
> passed the PMC’s release VOTE!
I guess yes - likely this can be done in several ways:

1) our reusable actions (if we have it) could add the step to connect to
ADP and verify status before publishing
2) when implemented (it is a draft proposal now), ADP could use the
provenance/attestation feature
and upload ASF-signed attestations of voting. That - on its own - would not
prevent uploads of non-voted artifact, but it would provide
cryptographically verifiable attestations that it actually happened - when
it did.
3) Eventually ASF could become a trusted publisher and we could publish
packages directly from ADP (with attestation/ only after voting is done -
up to our implementation). But that's quite a project on its own for ASF to
become a trusted publisher because ASF is not a "general public" publisher
like GitHub - so it would require changes in workflows on PyPI side.


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