Title: J
Hell, most of the paved roads around here are topped with oil and stones once a year.  Loose stone roads are great fun on a stormy summer night.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 12:25
Subject: Re: [BP] tar and asbestos

Bruce, you're right on both counts, Bruce L was the named recipient, the material NY uses is a combination of tar, gravel, sifted dirt, its very gummy when fresh, and needs to be rolled like crazy. I wouldn't want a driveway out of the stuff, especially down here. Don (the owner mentioned) said the stuff stuck to everything. I've read that for highway use, the recycled asphalt is working very well, and really cuts down on the amount of tar needed to resurface a roadway.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pre-patinated plastic gumby block w/ coin slot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Bruce Marcham
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [BP] tar and asbestos

Not at all--you must be thinking of the other Bruce. I was a year ahead of you at Challenge and did a little different duty than you guys did (no glass plant).
What is the soft shoulder material you speak of--ground up asphalt? I wouldn't think that would mung up a box that bad. Maybe they add a little tar for added binding.
I've had it suggested to pave a driveway with the recycled asphalt but I don't get the impression that it is much cheaper and you really have to roll it. My buddy down in CT had it laid down in his driveway but I don't think it was rolled and it was nasty. Kinda like coal clinkers.
One Cheap Guy
-----Original Message-----
From: Pre-patinated plastic gumby block w/ coin slot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jim Follett
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [BP] tar and asbestos

Hey Bruce:
 Remember Bear S--t, that driver for Challenge Industries, owned the dump trucks, hauled that soft shoulder material that NYDOT uses, said it would take three hours a night to clean the box out, using diesel fuel?
-----Original Message-----
From: Pre-patinated plastic gumby block w/ coin slot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Rudy Christian
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [BP] tar and asbestos



>Are you sure that the material on the building is tar?

Actually the techincal term for what they found is bear S..T

It’s amazing how useful bears are. A chemist friend who works for Generous Liar & Robber Co. claims the stuff they put on rims to seal the bead is bear grease. 



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