----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabriel Orgrease" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 04:37
Subject: Re: [BP] piobareachd

>     Short jarheads dance at weddings on their knees (sorry, I know only
>     a couple people will get that). *I think we can figure it out,
>     but can think of more enjoyable activities to perform on one's
>     knees, even at a wedding.  Why would anyone dance on his knees
>     (maybe this is why ][<en is absolutely convinced that Fred
>     Flintstone created the Symphony Space in Bedrock), and why didn't
>     you run screaming out of the hall?*
> Ralph,
> And the damned short-man dancing was caught on video to boot.
> You know that you are really getting to be difficult about the
> prehistoric sonics.
> I suppose next your going to tell me that Fred Flintstone was NOT an
> Hebrew despite the evidence of stone knives?
> The Indonesian tsunami was a geophysical composition of god gone awry?
> Tectonic plates as tuning forks.

Exactly!  The waves were merely the cresendo

- Pam
> ][<*
> *
> --
> To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the
> uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:
> <http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/bullamanka-pinheads.html>

To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the
uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:

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