Singing stone is just outside Gomez Fariez (sp?) Mexico. look for a chimney hole. Work your way down feet against stone in front jamming back against stone behind. The rope was a good idea. Small space maybe 12 x 10 starting at 12' under. One lonely stalagmite. Tap with 12" dock spike it becomes a bell. Shown to me by one of my dads graduate students who later went down with Air Florida into the frozen Potomac.
    I felt the singing concrete some years later  on the old Montauk Highway on out past the unhamptons shortly before and above Hitherhills in a WWII bunker beautifully crafted to look like a abandoned farmhouse, complete with askew shutters and slipped clapboard. We discovered singing loudly and intune on note would vibrate the entire structure and this was only a few years after levitating the Pentagon
rolling stoned
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [BP] Music in stone


Recently you said something about desiring a Tibetan long horn for its sound
>effect.   You might be able to get that effect architecturally.
>Last night on History Channel there was a very interesting program about the
>nature of sound at various stone age architectural sites.


As you all know I've  studied   stone



sat on benches of stone               I've seen 

  walked on stone                          marble bend and granite hinge

eaten off  tables of stone ,               slate tone hovels               

and washed my feet and hands       and limestone grottos 

 in bowls of stone                             sandstone mountains  

                                                     and terra cotta fountains






Slept on  stone,                                I've seen bugs in stone

drank from stone ,                              tar in stone

  cooked in stone                               Shells in stone

and made love on stone                      and  ..ITâ.written in stone


I've slipped on stone                             I've touched the stone stynx                           

kicked some stone                               cut new red pinks

bled on  stone                                      hammered halls

and pissed off some stone                     and broken balls



                                                        but I ain't never heard a stone sing.......Py




My take on the music in stones concerning stone circles and such  is an  educated 

     guess based on my experience and discussions with 5 yr old â(Peanut)â


According to her

The ancient  people used traditional dance around the great circles 

using festive and seductive steps such as the hokey pokey

 and lively music with words and sounds not much different than today's rap music.(see snoop doggy-dog)

 Now heres the clincher ,

according to Peanut


This all goes along swell  Until the music stops

        then everyone must run and  grab and hug a stone â

.anyone  caught not hugging their own  stone has to

        sit down (or worse.).. depending on what century we are talking about this might mean having to go live in a red state)


This goes on  for quite some time until all the mommy's and daddy's are totally exhausted and have to put their feet up and drink martinis â.hmmm she might be on to something  hereâPY

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