>if someone were lacking less and more they can just set PAGER to
>cat a viola, lots of scrolling.

With viola you get lots of screeching!  :-)

You can even have a PAGER-less run find
its own hierarchy of less/more/cat for them,
et voila, perfect script!

One more optimization it needs, it should check
to see that stdout is a tty and only run the
pager if it is, else cat.  ("man foo >foofile")

Once upon a time in a career far away we had a
shell-script man, before it got rewritten in C
to handle running nroff if necessary, and handling
remote server man pages and the like.  It did the
usual catman stuff, too.  (The network wasn't tcp/ip,
though, it was DNET.  Extra points for ever having
heard of it, or naming the country of origin.)

-- Jim

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