Matthew Hiles schrieb:

> Though I don't understand this line:
>> "$CAT" "$pagefile" | "$PAGER" "$pagefile"
> Shouldn't that be?:
> "$CAT" "$pagefile" | "$PAGER"

1. i did not test the script. it is a suggestion.

> "$CAT" "$pagefile" | "$PAGER"

that should expand to:

bcat filename | pager

(or something like that)

> ---
> The other thing I wanted to mention was the possibility of extending
> this little man script, or creating an alternate, so that it could look
> up man pages from a single file to prevent a whole 1kb, 2kb, 4kb or w/e
> sized inode from being used to hold a single 200 byte compressed ascii
> man page. Does this sound like a good idea?

you have less files but it is not much easier to handle. several years ago
borland had a compressed help file may be you can use that idea. but so far
i know there where several attempts the last year to establish new formats
and all failed.


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