On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 09:34:45PM +0100, Harald Becker wrote:
> > dunno about \"original awk specification\" but i know that we should
> > adhere to:
> > http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/awk.html
> >   
> This doesn't specify how for loops are implemented. Allocating temporary
> for-in loop variables is a pure gnu extension I assume. I have never
> seen any specification that says that the loop variables has to be
> protected against invalid recursive function usage.

Actually the spec says "Function parameter names shall be local to the
function; all other variable names shall be global."

-> no special handling for loop variable names, they are global

And looking at the script, it should work correctly with that:

  for (l in libs)

output() changes l, but that should not be a problem for
the given script; consider this:

  for (l in libs)
      print "XXX: " cnt, l;
      print "YYY: " cnt, l;

I tried mawk (1.3.3) and the script works fine but it prints
a changed l at YYY.  I also tried gawk (3.1.7) and it also
uses a global l.

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