Hi Walter !

>perhaps you can create a busybox with awk only ?

That wont't help. If Busybox awk is called direct or via symlink it
works correct. The problem arrise with the standalone/preferred applet
feature. Which I really want to work, as Busybox sit on a System with
most GNU utilities installed. I can't add symlinks to Busybox for every
applet as this would overwrite the installed utilities. Despite those
installed utilities I like to use Busybox for shell scripts. Those
scripts shall use the Busybox applets, not the installed GNU utilities.

This all worked before but suddenly (after some updates) stopped to work
with the given glibc detected failure.
>If that still causes a problem try to remove all options via
>menu_config just to narrow the search. There is a good chance that you
>can nail the option.

The options in question are those two. Shell standalone feature and the
exec prefer applet feature. Disabling those result in using the
installed GNU utility from within the scripts, which usually works
fine. But that's not what I want. So nailing the Busybox option doesn't
solve the problem. I nailed it already to this special Busybox feature,
before asking for help.

... and it is not only awk. Other applet fail the same way, if called
as applet from Busybox ash scripts. Detected this after writing the
first message, but added note on repost.

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