On 11.08.2012 14:03, Harald Becker wrote:
> Hi Walter !
>> perhaps you can create a busybox with awk only ?
> That wont't help. If Busybox awk is called direct or via symlink it
> works correct. The problem arrise with the standalone/preferred applet
> feature. Which I really want to work, as Busybox sit on a System with
> most GNU utilities installed. I can't add symlinks to Busybox for every
> applet as this would overwrite the installed utilities. Despite those
> installed utilities I like to use Busybox for shell scripts. Those
> scripts shall use the Busybox applets, not the installed GNU utilities.

PATH=/busybox:$PATH ./busybox.shell.script

where /busybox contains (sym)links for all busybox applets.

Just a data point, not anything to add about the bug in question.

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