Hi Laszlo !

>Yes, it is possible to do it without systemd, although pretty
>much everyone seems to be switching across, really, even Ubuntu

... and I'm never going to use Ubuntu again, for there decisions.
>I have no idea why you would like to make it so complex. The
>config file is sourced on start, which is not equal to system
>start up, which you may be confusing it with. Start means when
>you start the daemon, including restart. Your assumption would
>make it complex, but that was not suggested.

Your explanation does not make sense. Either the config file is
read (only) during startup of ntpd (then all info can be passed
from command line) or the running daemon need to be signaled when
it's time to read the config file.

>Hmm, you do not seem to have understood the issue. Currently,
>Yocto will do it differently, so will Buildroot, OpenWrt, and
>what not. This is not nice.

All those systems are not Busybox. It is not wrong to share your
work, but do we need to blow up the existing Busybox code for
this? Why can't you share your work with other projects, without
adding code to the Busybox binary.

It is not wrong to have a common solution for a problem, but I
ought you going to do it at the wrong place. 

>Again, I have no idea why you think reading 1-2 variables from a
>file is a "Why do we need to blow up an otherwise small daemon
>with this config file handling stuff?" situation.

Have you ever written such a daemon with config file option? I
did several and know what is required. Either it makes no sense
to read config file in ntpd code, due to the fact you can pass
all info on command line, or you need all the extra code to
reread config lines when the configuration change.

... else give exact info on how you want to add this to ntpd.

>Please be considerate to the use cases, not pre-mature

It is not premature optimization. It's the question of resource
consumption and if things are necessary to be included in a (per
definition) small tool box like Busybox.

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