On 2016-01-08 15:15, David Henderson wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Tito!  So does the -c parameter change the
> parsing directory from /var/spool/cron/crontabs,


> or does it specify a 'holding' directory for the individual cron jobs?

The /etc/cron.d directory to which you're accustomed from Debian
doesn't hold "individual cron *jobs*", either--it holds additional
*crontab* files that are effectively all concatenated together
onto the end of the master /etc/crontab contents.

> Also, does that mean that I can't implement something like
> an /etc/cron.d directory where any cron jobs within it are parsed,
> or can I create an /etc/crontab file to parse that directory using run-parts?

Since you mention run-parts in the context of "cron.d" on Debian, I wonder
if you're confusing /etc/cron.d (which holds crontabs, which *are not*
run with run-parts) vs. /etc/cron.daily (which holds scripts or other
executable files, which *are* run with run-parts). Though, I did see
that the file you were putting into your "cron.d" directory was a crontab
and not a shell script..., but then you also made it executable....

You can easily create a facility like the /etc/cron.daily run-parts
directory that you're used to using on Debian--you just need to use
/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root rather than /etc/crontab (and note that
the syntax in that file is the user-crontab syntax--where the user
to run job as is implied by the name of the crontab-file,
rather than being specified in the job definitions inside).
cron.hourly, cron.monthly, and cron.weekly similarly.

Emulating the /etc/cron.d behaviour is somewhat less straightforward.
Probably you could do it by making /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
invoke a script that maintains a self-modifying crontab--something like:

        echo "* * * * * $0" > $TMP_CRONTAB
        cat /etc/cron.d/* >> $TMP_CRONTAB
        fsync $TMP_CRONTAB
        mv $TMPCRONTAB /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

Or maybe you could do it some other way.

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."
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