October denotes Lughnasadh the "month of cleansing of material things" in
the  Druid religion, which I practise on alternate leap years (this
year!).  Hence, I will start off October with what the Druids call a
"Behgiivahhwauughh" -or as we know it - a Big Give Away.

Why?  Other than following the teachings of the great Druid King,YoYo Mah,
 I simply have lots of Ham Radio "Junque" that needs to go.  Junque is the
operative term meaning stuff you have hanging around just waiting for the
day you need it to fix your __________  (fill in the blank)

Well, The W5RH garage, for about 25 years, has been the catch-all for many
a random or lost pieces of RF associated parts and pieces.  If I ever was
to use every one of these pieces it would take me into the 22nd Century,
and I don't think the current RH physical body will last that long.  I will
say, however, that the Junque box has been the saviour of many a wayward
Ham looking for just the right piece of Junque to fix her or his
____________  (again, fill in the blank.)

So...in light of this epiphany, I will be lining my drive way with all
types of bits and pieces of Ham Radio Junque on Saturday, October 1 from
8:30 until 11;30  AM <http://30.ge/>.   The bulk of it is all good stuff,
free for the taking, but there will be some better stuff for sale at very
reasonable prices.

I will not be providing a complete list, or even a partial list..... but in
general, if it has to do with Ham Radio, it'll be there.......coax, masts,
aluminum, wire, parts, project boxes, books, old catalogs, boat anchor
stuff, manuals, antennas, test equipment, speakers, microphones, patch
cords, audio cords, headlphones, meters, etc., etc., etc.

Where:   9031 Troulon Drive   Sharpstown/Houston  77036
              3 blocks west of Gessner, 1 block south of Beechnut.
              First Street South of Beechnut  -- equi-distant from either
59 or BW 8.

Talk-in 146.94, but response not guaranteed.   Please,no earlier than 8:30,
we have a "No Ham Zone" designation in my neighborhood before 8:30 on

Rick Hiller
*The Radio Hotel*  -- W5RH

ps....both dogs will be out and they bark, but don't bite licensed Hams.


*Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
*               Houston, TX 77036*
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