Brilliant Sir. Simply Brilliant. Best explanation I've ever read.


On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 12:26 PM M Reiter via BVARC <> wrote:

> Yes I can now say with certainty that all antenna science is actually just
> VooDoo.
> after reading 100s of pages on an equal number of antenna configurations I
> have determined that the only common denominator is that antennas must be
> made from metal. and someone will let me know that is also not so.   to sum
> up my research you must have a 1/4, 1/2, 5/8, 3/8, 3/4 full wavelength
> section at some angle to something else that is larger or smaller than the
> original  it must be between touching the earth or 200ft high whichever you
> like more.  it should be horizontal or vertical or an angle in-between.
> can be made from wire or tubing of copper or aluminum but do not rule out
> magnesium.  it must be an open or closed circuit it definitely should or
> should not be resonate, SWR is bad, but a little is ok.   dont forget to
> trim your antenna until you have trimmed too much then add some back and
> trim some more. A balun unun unbalunousbulbulous, is absolutely maybe
> required but dont use one, they are rings of mystery metal called ferite,
> because they may be ferous and may be magic, they should be wound clockwise
> or counter clockwise or both and may have 2 but can have as many as six
> wires in a mystical configuration that can not be shown in 2 dimensions.
> did i mention the magic ladder wire or 75-400 or more ohm coax with or
> without loops to make something called ohms all nice and matchy matchy.
> (oof course you dont need this either because radios do this for you.)
> so there you have it,  all you need to know to get out there and make a
> perfect antenna.
> Marc
> Zombie Ham Operator, ki5ZHO
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