
You don't need to be a member to attend in-person.  The presentation was
good and hopefully will be available on line soon.

73 Scott KD5FBA

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 11:01 PM John Ryan via BVARC <> wrote:

> I am not a member of that club but wanted to catch the ZOOM  of the
> antenna  presentation.  Unfortunately the tech side of it did not work out.
> John Ryan KI5ZRR
> On Apr 13, 2023, at 21:38, Eddie Runner via BVARC <> wrote:
> *it was a great meeting tonight at the firehouse,*
> *Terry had a great presentation on HOA antennas and I was RIVETED...!!*
> *I am pissed that MOST of you that did not bother to show up!!!!*
> *The club bought A LOT of food....*
> *The kitchen crew worked their butts off for two days preparing food for *
> *the club meeting...*
> *The club is sitting at 334 members *
> *and only a pitiful 13 of you wankers *
> *showed up for the meeting....*
> Yeah yeah, there were a few that checked in on zoom.....
> But how the hell does that help show any appreciation to the kitchen crew
> ???????????????????
> *Dang it *
> as much work as folks put into this club, we could us a little
> appreciation by actually
> showing up to a friggin meeting...!!!!!
> *Please do not bother telling me your excuses, *
> *I was tired and almost did not **go to the meeting myself..*
> *I'm not pissed at you individually, I am pissed at *
> *the club in general.......  and you are all a part of it...*
> *how do we fix this?*
> *Eddie Runner (BVARC life member ) (NU5K)*
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