uhhh NO AMATEUR frequencies are in jeopardy of being grabbed, etc..Originally 
the petitioners wanted 5,10,15,20 and 25 MHz...
SOUND familiar??? Look at the frequencies they propose now....not far off 
WWV....now WWV uses KILOWATTS on their frequencies....don't cause issues with 
ham operations....Its NOT a ham spectrum grab...
Trustee, W5APX
    On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 05:07:05 PM CDT, Paul Easter via BVARC 
<bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:  
 This has been coming for a long time.  It is already being done.  
It does seem like a spectrum grab.  There are plenty of HF frequencies they can 
use without interference to HAM radio.
ARRL will hopefully prove their worth this time.

On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 3:09 PM Rick Hiller <rickhille...@gmail.com> wrote:

Submission Comment  #2   W5RHLooking at a bit more detail in Appendix E (Page 
74) their study shows available frequency ranges within 2 to 25 MHz.   None of 
their proposed bands cover any of our ham bands EXCEPT 60 Meters, where we have 
5 "channels", but I think this is shared anyway.
Their 10, 25 and 50 KHz "channailzed space" ranges come up to the band edges on 
a few ham bands NOT JUST 20 MX as has been blogged and youtubed.  Below I have 
outlined where their study touches our band edges (always skirting our bands 
except 60 mx).   They claim throughout that they want to cause NO Interference 
to existing services (ham, marine, etc.)
Their study indicates these Frequency bands available 2 to 25 MHz (ref our 
bands)....Below     Above 3.4            4.0         80 is 3.5 to 4.05.4        
    5.0         (within 60 meters 5.3 to 5.4)7.0            7.4          40 is 
7.0 to 7.3 9.995     10.15        30 is 10.100 to 10.15014.0        14.350      
20 is 14.0 to 14.35018.068    18.168      17 is 18.068 to 18.16821.00       
21.850     15 is 21.0  to 21.45024.89       End         12 is 24.890 to 24.990
Looked up in the license database.   None of the commenting parties is a ham 
except maybe John Madigan (AC0GP -- maybe).
Also, have a look at what they intend to do.  These shortwave HF links are to 
benefit High-Frequency stock trading. (high frequency is not meaning RF but the 
speed of the trade data xfer).   Using shortwave will reduce the latency times 
for the transfer of applicable stock data.  Not using satellites or the 
internet will cut milli seconds off of their transfer times.  HFT is a crazy 
way to trade stocks..  Google HFT  and read on Wikipedia.
73...Rick  W5RH

On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 6:43 PM Rick Hiller <rickhille...@gmail.com> wrote:

A cursory read through the proposal and attached amendments shows that they 
have done their homework in all aspects.   The various companies have been 
running experiments on air for the past 4 years. (experimental call signs are 
listed)  Seems like they wish to run 20KW to a 10dBi antenna on transmit and 
have a simple vertical whip on the receive end.  They also propose interference 
avoidance and frequency jumping.... kind of like ALE.  Freqs used were 4.9, 
10.2, 14.9 19.9 and 24.8 with a bandwidth of 10 KHz.
In their initial paragraphs they mention avoidance interference to amateur, 
marine and aeronautical.  No mention of military in there that I saw.
Again, this was my 30 minute read of the various sections which means that I 
was looking for pertinent information relating to us hams.   I am sure there is 
more to be found and corrected with a further read.
Just my $.02 for now.....73...Rick  W5RH   
On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 5:54 PM JP Pritchard via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:

   Thanks for the reply Bill. As Jim Heath points out in this video, the 
deadline for comment is two weeks away. My first thought is, we might (emphasis 
MIGHT) be better off to express our immediate concern to the ARRL defense of 
spectrum lobbyists, in hopes that they could help convey what they know to the 
rest of us (beyond what's in the petition) to give Ham World a chance to weigh 
in. But whatever we do we're already late in the process and big money backing 
this plan already has a big edge on us, if there is something here to be 
worried about.       Any thoughts from others? Time is running out. Let's hear 
it!       JP  
  On 07/15/2023 4:55 PM CDT Bill Cordell via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:     
We may want to convene a committee of interested people to talk about what is 
proposed.  There are so many variables, not to mention the costs to construct 
and run a digital transmitter.  Also, who has digital receivers?  Currently 
there are limited AM shortwave receivers for that industry is dying (like the 
majority of the over-the-air broadcast stations due to the ubiquitous and 
massively increasing wireless internet)..
From: BVARC <bvarc-boun...@bvarc.org> On Behalf Of JP Pritchard via BVARC
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2023 3:47 PM
Cc: JP Pritchard <jppn...@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Will This Petition Before The FCC Bring An End To Amateur 
Radio As We Know It Or Am I Wrong Jim W6LG - YouTube
How 'bout a couple of our broadcast engineers to respond to this... Paul, Bill, 
Chris, Bob? 
On 07/15/2023 3:25 PM CDT K5BOU via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:


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