in the 70s the music and video industry tried to prevent piracy by
encrypting their music and movies.  they barely got the first CDs out the
door before there was a program free on the internet to crack the
encryption.  the military already encrypts their transmissions.  we are not
allowed to encrypt but everyone else is. I assume that the television
industry wants to protect their copyrights on streaming channels and that
as soon as it is done there will be a crack for it.  definitely not an end
to Ham as we know it.

On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 3:57 PM Chris Boone via BVARC <>

> uhhh NO AMATEUR frequencies are in jeopardy of being grabbed,
> etc..Originally the petitioners wanted 5,10,15,20 and 25 MHz...
> SOUND familiar??? Look at the frequencies they propose now....not far off
> WWV uses KILOWATTS on their frequencies....don't cause issues
> with ham operations....Its NOT a ham spectrum grab...
> Chris
> Trustee, W5APX
> On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 05:07:05 PM CDT, Paul Easter via BVARC <
>> wrote:
> This has been coming for a long time.  It is already being done.
> It does seem like a spectrum grab.  There are plenty of HF frequencies
> they can use without interference to HAM radio.
> ARRL will hopefully prove their worth this time.
> On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 3:09 PM Rick Hiller <>
> wrote:
> Submission Comment  #2   W5RH
> Looking at a bit more detail in Appendix E (Page 74) their study shows
> available frequency ranges within 2 to 25 MHz.   None of their proposed
> bands cover any of our ham bands *EXCEPT 60 Meters, where we have 5
> "channels",* but I think this is shared anyway.
> Their 10, 25 and 50 KHz "channailzed space" ranges come up to the band
> edges on a few ham bands NOT JUST 20 MX as has been blogged and youtubed.
> Below I have outlined where their study touches our band edges (always
> skirting our bands except 60 mx).   They claim throughout that they want to
> cause NO Interference to existing services (ham, marine, etc.)
> Their study indicates these Frequency bands available 2 to 25 MHz (ref our
> bands)....
> *Below     Above *
> *3.4            4.0         80 is 3.5 to 4.0*
> *5.4            5.0         (within 60 meters 5.3 to 5.4)*
> *7.0            7.4          40 is 7.0 to 7.3*
> * 9.995     10.15        30 is 10.100 to 10.150*
> *14.0        14.350      20 is 14.0 to 14.350*
> *18.068    18.168      17 is 18.068 to 18.168*
> *21.00       21.850     15 is 21.0  to 21.450*
> *24.89       End         12 is 24.890 to 24.990*
> Looked up in the license database.   None of the commenting parties is a
> ham except maybe John Madigan (AC0GP -- maybe).
> Also, have a look at what they intend to do.  These shortwave HF links are
> to benefit High-Frequency stock trading. (high frequency is not meaning RF
> but the speed of the trade data xfer).   Using shortwave will reduce the
> latency times for the transfer of applicable stock data.  Not using
> satellites or the internet will cut milli seconds off of their transfer
> times.  HFT is a crazy way to trade stocks..  Google HFT  and read on
> Wikipedia.
> 73...Rick  W5RH
> On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 6:43 PM Rick Hiller <>
> wrote:
> A cursory read through the proposal and attached amendments shows that
> they have done their homework in all aspects.   The various companies have
> been running experiments on air for the past 4 years. (experimental call
> signs are listed)  Seems like they wish to run 20KW to a 10dBi antenna on
> transmit and have a simple vertical whip on the receive end.  They also
> propose interference avoidance and frequency jumping.... kind of like ALE.
> Freqs used were 4.9, 10.2, 14.9 19.9 and 24.8 with a bandwidth of 10 KHz.
> In their initial paragraphs they mention avoidance interference to
> amateur, marine and aeronautical.  No mention of military in there that I
> saw.
> Again, this was my 30 minute read of the various sections which means that
> I was looking for pertinent information relating to us hams.   I am
> sure there is more to be found and corrected with a further read.
> Just my $.02 for now.....73...Rick  W5RH
> On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 5:54 PM JP Pritchard via BVARC <>
> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Bill. As Jim Heath points out in this video, the
> deadline for comment is two weeks away. My first thought is, we might
> (emphasis MIGHT) be better off to express our immediate concern to the ARRL
> defense of spectrum lobbyists, in hopes that they could help convey what
> they know to the rest of us (beyond what's in the petition) to give Ham
> World a chance to weigh in. But whatever we do we're already late in the
> process and big money backing this plan already has a big edge on us, if
> there is something here to be worried about.
> Any thoughts from others? Time is running out. Let's hear it!
> JP
> On 07/15/2023 4:55 PM CDT Bill Cordell via BVARC <> wrote:
> JP:
> We may want to convene a committee of interested people to talk about what
> is proposed.  There are so many variables, not to mention the costs to
> construct and run a digital transmitter.  Also, who has digital receivers?
> Currently there are limited AM shortwave receivers for that industry is
> dying (like the majority of the over-the-air broadcast stations due to the
> ubiquitous and massively increasing wireless internet)..
> Bill
> *From:* BVARC <> *On Behalf Of *JP Pritchard via
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 15, 2023 3:47 PM
> *Cc:* JP Pritchard <>
> *Subject:* Re: [BVARC] Will This Petition Before The FCC Bring An End To
> Amateur Radio As We Know It Or Am I Wrong Jim W6LG - YouTube
> How 'bout a couple of our broadcast engineers to respond to this... Paul,
> Bill, Chris, Bob?
> On 07/15/2023 3:25 PM CDT K5BOU via BVARC <> wrote:
> [image: image001.png]
> K5BOU-PhilippeBoucaumont
> Houston*|*Texas*|*USA*|*
> [image: image002.png][image: image003.png][image: image004.jpg][image:
> image005.gif]
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> Rick Hiller
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> --
> Rick Hiller
> *e-mail: <>*
> *Cell:        832-474-3713*
> *Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
> *               Houston, TX 77036*
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