Firstly, welcome to the hobby.

Secondly, I dont know anything about this antenna except for what I just read 
on dx engineering. But 17ft is quarter wave on 20m.

Maybe someone can give you better info on the antenna…
I can say, if you are wanting to setup when you want to run hf and then tear 
down when youre done, thats exactly what i did for the 3 years i was in austin 
(prior to my move to houston in 2022). I had 100 ft of RG8U and i just ran it 
thru my townhouse and out the door (the door closes over it fine) to my antenna 
and when I was done, I disconnected and rolled my coax back up and never had a 

If youre running 50-100 ft, I dont see a reason why youd need to spend the 
extra money on the LMR coax. The loss is negligible, if any.

Good luck.

Typos brought to you by iPhone

On Aug 6, 2023, at 20:21, Venkata Appala via BVARC <> wrote:

 Hello all,
I am working on setting up a temporary HF antenna that I can setup or take down 
when not in use. For this, I am exploring MFJ 1979 telescope antenna. I am not 
sure if this is the right choice yet. My idea was to use some mount(yet to 
figure this out) in the backyard, run the cable inside the home when I want to 
use HF. In addition, when I am visiting some park, planning to mount if using 
some mag mount. I don’t have much of a backyard and wanted to see if this 
antenna can be used at home and when I am visiting places. With this info, I 
have few questions. Please bear with me as I am absolutely new to Ham and might 
ask dumb questions. While reading, one thing I realized is that, the antenna 
depends on the bands I wish to use. Well, at the moment, I want to start with 
something that can get me on air for commonly used frequencies where I can 
listen in and learn how to use the radio. At the  moment, all I have is a HF 
transceiver with builtin tuner.

1) Is 1979 a good antenna? It appears it is around $70 and I am assuming this 
can get me started without breaking any bank.
2) Coax…looking at the options, this seems like a candy store and I can’t 
figure out which one. I am guessing something around 50 ft in length might work 
and my limited research shows LMR 240 might be good option. Is this true or 
should I find a better alternative?
3) Any suggestions on mounts for the antenna that I can use in the backyard?

Ps: Thank you to Ed and Richard for pointing me in the right direction at 
Fulshear farmer’s market. I am also researching on end fed antenna but this 
will be a build/diy project.

Thank you for all the guidance and suggestions.

Venkata Appala KJ5BVS

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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