For what it’s worth, email is great for disseminating information. It does not 
handle conversations very well at all. So, someone has a certain position on 
something. Sometimes that’s good to know. Thank you for sharing. But it doesn’t 
mean everyone has to agree. Let’s all turn the temperature down a bit. I just 
can’t stand it when the kids argue. Some of us are old enough to know better.

> On Oct 10, 2023, at 6:40 PM, Richard Bonica via BVARC <> wrote:
> OK. This is KG5YCU for ID
> Comment? Well I don't have time for a reply.
> We are a club, we have MANY events, and many more to come.
> I have been with BVARC since 2005... 15yrs -- yes I did shorten the math 
> because that makes me younger....
> I have seen great things done, and I stepped up to the bigger plate this year 
> to help grow the club. I don't agree with everything, but THE CLUB is for THE 
> CLUB (A.K.A. Everyone.)
> If you do not like something, then say something at the meetings. But make it 
> about the event, not people. We are  all here to improve the club, not kill 
> it in any way.
> Attacking anyone is not productive in ANY direction.
> I am looking at this wondering, if you don't like it, who is holding the gun? 
> Just don't participate, and take that energy and focus it on something you 
> want to do.
> I love feild day (Hot or cold) and I help. I love Hamfest, I am going to get 
> dirty there too.
> OK , I don't have a fondness for driving long distances for POTA, but I go to 
> the ones I can and don't go to others.
> Everyone needs to learn that opinions are like butt holes, we all have one. 
> And some stink more than others, but we keep it to ourselves the best we can.
> Let's look at facts and go from there.
> Remember - like on the radio, there is a human on the other end of the 
> E-Mail..
> With that said, let's have fun, we are here to make DX, commeradary, and look 
> like really smart fools. Let's keep it up and go back to center on this.
> With everything going on in the world, let's not add to it. 
> That is my 2 cents and all I am going to say
> Over and out to all those who want to fire back... 
> 73
> KG5YCU for ID
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 11:56 AM Cal Birdsall via BVARC < 
> <>> wrote:
> 👍
> Cal Birdsall
> Sent from my iPhone
> 713-419-1977
>> On Oct 10, 2023, at 10:25 AM, Rudolph Ackerman via BVARC < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> The best way to handle threads like this is "DELETE"    :)
>> Rudy Ackerman 
>> On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 10:09:04 AM CDT, K5BOU via BVARC 
>> < <>> wrote: 
>> I heard the board voted for this issue. And was decided to continue. What I 
>> was trying in my first post was to bring a legal answer to this topic 
>> because s, without knowing, the board had already voted and approved this 
>> event.
>> I understand It isn't easy to please anyone and we need to accept the 
>> board's decision; this topic is closed for me.
>> K5BOU-PhilippeBoucaumont
>> Houston|Texas|USA|
>> <>
>>                                           #77940
>> From: BVARC < <>> On 
>> Behalf Of Eddie Runner via BVARC
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 9:58 AM
>> To: Fox Danger Piacenti < <>>
>> Cc: Eddie Runner < <>>; 
>> anthony moro < <>>; K5BOU 
>> < <>>
>> Subject: Re: [BVARC] Brews with BVARC this Tuesday!
>> if you would read the posts thouroughly you might see i enjoyed the brews 
>> events i have been to.   
>> as for my children.  if you had read.  my son is a 42 yr old ham who happens 
>> to be an addict.  
>> the question isnt the event itself.  hams can meet anywhere they want to.   
>> some guys may meet to talk ham and smoke weed (and some do). dont care.  
>> issue to me is simply bvarcs sponsoring an adult only event.   all events, 
>> meetings and so on should be good for all members.  
>> Eddie
>> Sent from my iphone
>>> On Oct 10, 2023, at 9:51 AM, Fox Danger Piacenti < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Eddie.
>>> We are not exclusively an adult club, but that event is an exclusively 
>>> adult event. I promise not to bring my children. I hope you will have the 
>>> same courtesy not to bring yours.
>>> If the very existence of an adults-only event on a calendar for a club is 
>>> enough to cause problems for children, their caretakers are failing them.
>>> Best,
>>> -Fox
>>> On 10/10/23 09:48, Eddie Runner wrote:
>>>> but thats the problem you fail to see.  we are not an ADULT club.  !!! 
>>>> we work with schools.  and boy scouts.  we even offer a student 
>>>> membership.   and always encorage youngsters to and parents to discover 
>>>> and enjoy ham radio.    
>>>> Eddie NU5K
>>>> Sent from my iphone
>>>>> On Oct 10, 2023, at 9:38 AM, K5BOU via BVARC < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Fox, KW6FOX, well say!
>>>>> <image001.png>
>>>>> K5BOU-PhilippeBoucaumont
>>>>> Houston|Texas|USA|
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <image002.png>
>>>>> <image003.png>
>>>>> <image004.png>
>>>>>                                           #77940
>>>>> From: BVARC < <>> On 
>>>>> Behalf Of Fox Danger Piacenti via BVARC
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 9:27 AM
>>>>> <>>; anthony moro < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> Cc: Fox Danger Piacenti < <>>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [BVARC] Brews with BVARC this Tuesday!
>>>>> Hi, all.
>>>>> I'm a fairly new member of this club, having joined only a month or two 
>>>>> ago. I went to last month's Brew's with BVARC event as my first intro 
>>>>> event to the club. Seemed like a fun way to get to know some folks and 
>>>>> have a good time.
>>>>> And it was exactly that. I loved getting to hang with club members and 
>>>>> the offerings at the bar. I'm a bit confused from some of the 
>>>>> correspondence here. Has anything actually happened that was a problem at 
>>>>> these events or is this a lot of speculation about issues that *could* 
>>>>> happen? I don't much patience for the latter. If it's the former, it's 
>>>>> fair to discuss how to address the issue. If something happened that 
>>>>> evening, it must have happened while I wasn't looking or after I left.
>>>>> I expect club members to be adults. I expect people to make their own 
>>>>> decisions. I also am quite aware that sometimes people have difficulties 
>>>>> with addiction and specific substances.
>>>>> We're a very large club. That leaves room for diversity of events. It 
>>>>> also means we're more likely to have some members who aren't a good fit 
>>>>> for events. But if we actually come across a member we discover is 
>>>>> behaving irresponsibly at these get-togethers, I do expect those running 
>>>>> them to intervene. Worrying about whose legal responsibility it is comes 
>>>>> as a secondary concern (though still a concern!): I expect the event 
>>>>> runners to address behavior problems and let people who can't behave 
>>>>> themselves know they aren't allowed back.
>>>>> I'm telling everyone here as a new club member I found the event fun, I 
>>>>> saw no irresponsible behavior and I had a great time meeting people and 
>>>>> putting some faces to callsigns. I suggest anyone who doesn't like events 
>>>>> at bars not come, and if they have particular concern about a members 
>>>>> welfare if they were to attend, to let the event runner know about it. 
>>>>> From there, we can judge actions.
>>>>> If anyone had a specific incident at the event that they felt was handled 
>>>>> poorly and not addressed, I think that's important to bring up here. 
>>>>> Otherwise I'd suggest people live and let live.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> -Fox, KW6FOX
>>>>> On 10/10/23 08:59, Eddie Runner via BVARC wrote:
>>>>>> oh i read your email. but i wanted my thoughts to go to the club. not 
>>>>>> just you.   
>>>>>> i usually try to get the membership involved. at least thier brains 
>>>>>> thinking about some of the fun stuff that goes on behind the scenes.  
>>>>>> we need a big turnout for the november club elections!   we rarely have 
>>>>>> more than one person running for office.  should be fun. 
>>>>>> as far as Brews with bvarc.  months ago i was one of the only ones to 
>>>>>> speak up with my feelings on the subject.   
>>>>>> now that others are thinking about it and sharing their thoughts you 
>>>>>> cant say they are causing problems.  they are club members and they are 
>>>>>> allowed (encouraged) to share opinions.   
>>>>>> if members sharing their views are considered problems then we should be 
>>>>>> very carefull who we vote for.  
>>>>>> Eddie NU5K
>>>>>> Sent from my iphone
>>>>>>> On Oct 10, 2023, at 8:10 AM, anthony moro < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> As you say to me all the time ( you did not read all of my email). I 
>>>>>>> said at the end of my last response that if you had any more questions 
>>>>>>> or comments email me directly. I am not going to answer or say anything 
>>>>>>> bad about the board on the reflector. As stated in my last response you 
>>>>>>> can email me about the reason I left the board. I just want the club to 
>>>>>>> enjoy the event and don't want club members to be causing problems 
>>>>>>> about an event that both Kori and Mike put together.It's interesting 
>>>>>>> that the problem goes away a few months, and a month later it's right 
>>>>>>> back with more people causing problems. It's like somehow they were 
>>>>>>> told about only the bad not any of the good. For a while there were no 
>>>>>>> problems and now the past few months there is a problem with the event. 
>>>>>>> I mentioned the club president (Mike), because he talked to Kori about 
>>>>>>> the event and said, (go with it). So I don't understand how now he or 
>>>>>>> other club members have a problem with the event. 
>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 6:13 AM Eddie Runner < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> MY post isnt political and has nothing to do with elections, 
>>>>>>>> my concern was the appearance of the website...
>>>>>>>> I wasnt mudslinging, I didnt even mention anyones name..
>>>>>>>> I didnt see anyone mentioning names till you mentioned Mikes....
>>>>>>>> You (Anthony) mentioned our president about 3 times..  (that is mud 
>>>>>>>> slinging)
>>>>>>>> Why did you drop from the board when there is only a couple of months 
>>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>>> on your board of directors term...   Your my buddy, I would do 
>>>>>>>> anything for you
>>>>>>>> but I am calling you a cry baby.. probably related to Kori running 
>>>>>>>> against Mike.
>>>>>>>> I guess  your buddy Kori is running against Mike for president this 
>>>>>>>> term..
>>>>>>>> Mike has been a pretty damn good president for a very long time, he has
>>>>>>>> always been there for our club when no one else has been..  When no 
>>>>>>>> one else
>>>>>>>> will, Mikey is always there..  Club is huge, money in the bank, food 
>>>>>>>> at meetings,
>>>>>>>> amazing hamfest,  thank you Mike !!!!
>>>>>>>> Time for a change?  Sure, Maybe! 
>>>>>>>> Kori is very energetic and very popular in the club..   He is a pretty 
>>>>>>>> smart guy.
>>>>>>>> and would likely make a good president ..  Will he be willing to put 
>>>>>>>> as much into
>>>>>>>> BVARC as Mike does..??   
>>>>>>>> Time will tell.
>>>>>>>> Eddie (NU5K)
>>>>>>>> it is our club, speak your mind..   
>>>>>>>> On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 08:17:45 PM CDT, anthony moro 
>>>>>>>> < <>> wrote: 
>>>>>>>> I have been thinking all day about this. I think this is a way of 
>>>>>>>> throwing mud during the elections. This is not fair to either side. So 
>>>>>>>> everyone knows I have left the board for this very sort of stuff. I 
>>>>>>>> think this club needs to stop being divided and think about what's 
>>>>>>>> best for the club. Acting like this about an event the club president 
>>>>>>>> allowed to happen is not what's best for the club. I think that we 
>>>>>>>> need to leave the name of the event alone and stop acting like 
>>>>>>>> everybody in the club doesn't drink at all. I say this and also tell 
>>>>>>>> y'all about my past. I was given probation for my third DWI. While on 
>>>>>>>> probation I found a great hobby, and all of yall have been great 
>>>>>>>> friends to me. I know that at least one person in the club has a few 
>>>>>>>> beers after work. There is nothing wrong with that. So saying that, we 
>>>>>>>> should leave this topic alone and think and look to the future of this 
>>>>>>>> club. If you feel the same way I feel then think real hard about what 
>>>>>>>> is really going on in the club and see how we as a club can pull 
>>>>>>>> together and put an end to this click kind of behavior. We should work 
>>>>>>>> together, not against each other. Just like some of yall dont get up 
>>>>>>>> for the 6:30am breakfast or leave work to go to the Lunch Bunch do the 
>>>>>>>> same with this event. If you don't have the time and would like to be 
>>>>>>>> with the family instead then don't go and keep your comments about an 
>>>>>>>> event the club president allowed to yourself. I am appalled with the 
>>>>>>>> behavior of some people that chose to act this way. I know yall are 
>>>>>>>> better than this. Now let's get back to having fun in this hobby as 
>>>>>>>> one of the largest clubs in texas, and show people what being a great 
>>>>>>>> HAM is about. If you have any questions or comments about what I said 
>>>>>>>> in this email, please email me directly. I am willing to talk to yall 
>>>>>>>> about how I feel about how the club members are acting about an event 
>>>>>>>> that has been going on for almost a year now. Also remember the club 
>>>>>>>> president allowed this event after talking to Kori the vice president 
>>>>>>>> before he became vice president.  
>>>>>>>> I am sorry if this sounded like I am venting. But I am just tired of 
>>>>>>>> all the mud slinging in the club.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 1:22 PM Eddie Runner via BVARC < 
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> You guys are finally paying attention!!  
>>>>>>>>> I enjoyed  the BwBvarc the couple of times I went (fellowship), even 
>>>>>>>>> though 
>>>>>>>>> I am not a drinker...
>>>>>>>>> I complained when we started advertising it on the website as a BVARC 
>>>>>>>>> sanctioned event...
>>>>>>>>> Being that we have always tried to put forward a welcoming face and 
>>>>>>>>> tried to attract young
>>>>>>>>> folks and even children and parents to our club...  
>>>>>>>>> No one paid any attention to me back then.
>>>>>>>>> PLUS, I am sure some of our members have or have had problems with 
>>>>>>>>> booze....
>>>>>>>>> Some have had DUIs, some are recovering...!  
>>>>>>>>> Some of you know my son,
>>>>>>>>> he has been a ham (since 10 years old) and is now 43yrs.. He has been 
>>>>>>>>> an addict
>>>>>>>>> for many years..  Although I like to share with him ham radio things, 
>>>>>>>>> like the hamfest  and so on.
>>>>>>>>> I would be afraid to even mention BwBVARC to him.  
>>>>>>>>> I didn't go, but someone mentioned to me that the LAST BwBVARC had 
>>>>>>>>> CBD beers
>>>>>>>>> which were noted with warnings that they could affect the outcome of 
>>>>>>>>> a drug test.   
>>>>>>>>> Glad you guys are finally paying attention!!
>>>>>>>>> Eddie Runner (NU5K)
>>>>>>>>> On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 01:06:47 PM CDT, JP Pritchard via BVARC 
>>>>>>>>> < <>> wrote: 
>>>>>>>>> Even if the club turns out to be protected from legal liability, I'm 
>>>>>>>>> not sure we want our club name to be associated with a possible DUI 
>>>>>>>>> traffic tragedy. Just a thought.  
>>>>>>>>> JP, K5JPP 
>>>>>>>>>> On 10/09/2023 12:48 PM CDT Rick Hiller via BVARC < 
>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote: 
>>>>>>>>>> The promoted title “Brews with BVARC” leans toward making it a de 
>>>>>>>>>> facto, sanctioned event, and this doesn't sit well with some folks. 
>>>>>>>>>> By W5RH. 
>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my i-Thingamajig 
>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 9, 2023, at 11:48 AM, N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer via BVARC 
>>>>>>>>>>> < <>> wrote: 
>>>>>>>>>>> Philippe, 
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you I had no idea this was a concern for some. A few years 
>>>>>>>>>>> back I was required to be certified with TABC for the The Katy Rice 
>>>>>>>>>>> Harvest Festival. I am a Past Grand Knight and former District 
>>>>>>>>>>> Deputy of the Knights of Columbus and our council 6950 served beer 
>>>>>>>>>>> for the Rice Harvest Festival. Because our council was engaged in 
>>>>>>>>>>> serving alcohol we had the responsibility to not serve patrons past 
>>>>>>>>>>> the legal limit and were trained how to spot when someone was 
>>>>>>>>>>> intoxicated. That being said, the Brews with BVARC event, although 
>>>>>>>>>>> a gathering of members at an establishment that serves alcohol, is 
>>>>>>>>>>> in no way the same as our club serving alcohol to members or the 
>>>>>>>>>>> general public. I believe the club having a Brews with BVARC event 
>>>>>>>>>>> in many ways is no different than any of the other membership 
>>>>>>>>>>> gatherings; afterall it is about comradery. I have not read the 
>>>>>>>>>>> clubs bylaws but if there was something governing this sort of 
>>>>>>>>>>> gathering it would be found in the bylaws. 
>>>>>>>>>>> 73 de 
>>>>>>>>>>> N5LNK - Sean 
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 11:10 AM K5BOU via BVARC < 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> In the past few weeks, I heard some members talk about the legal 
>>>>>>>>>>>> aspect of having events at the bar/brewery serving alcohol under 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the BVARC umbrella. Because of the nature of my job, working in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the restaurant/Hotel industry, I have some contacts at TABC and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ask who will be responsible if some members get intoxicated during 
>>>>>>>>>>>> a club event at the restaurant or bar. TABC clarifies that The 
>>>>>>>>>>>> restaurant/bar with TABC licenses that sells and serves alcohol to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> an intoxicated patron is responsible. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this helps.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope you have a great week.
>>>>>>>>>>>> K5BOU-PhilippeBoucaumont
>>>>>>>>>>>> Houston|Texas|USA|
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                           #77940
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: BVARC < 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> On Behalf Of Kori Rahman via 
>>>>>>>>>>>> BVARCSent: Monday, October 9, 2023 12:58 AMTo: BRAZOS VALLEY 
>>>>>>>>>>>> AMATEUR RADIO CLUB < <>>Cc: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kori Rahman < <>>Subject: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> [BVARC] Brews with BVARC this Tuesday!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello everyone!
>>>>>>>>>>>> This is another reminder of our Brews with BVARC event coming up 
>>>>>>>>>>>> this Tuesday October 10th at 6:30pm. We will be at Holler Brewing 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Company in Houston. Please come out if you can. There's always 
>>>>>>>>>>>> great conversation and camaraderie out at these events, and we 
>>>>>>>>>>>> hope you can join us this time around. Give us a call on 146.520 
>>>>>>>>>>>> MHz FM Simplex if you need directions when nearby or if you have 
>>>>>>>>>>>> trouble finding our table.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please check out their website ( to see their 
>>>>>>>>>>>> selection of beers and for information about their brewery. They 
>>>>>>>>>>>> promise to have "pop-up chefs" on-site every day so there should 
>>>>>>>>>>>> be an opportunity to grab some delicious food as well. As always, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> arrive when you can, be safe, be responsible, and let's have fun!
>>>>>>>>>>>> October Brews with BVARC:
>>>>>>>>>>>> When:Tuesday October 10th at 6:30pmWhere:Holler Brewing Co.2206 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Edwards St. Suite AHouston, TX 77007
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope to see you there! Thanks and 73!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kori Rahman, WX5KR
>>>>>>>>>>>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>>>>>>>>>>>> Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cell: (770) 298 8516
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
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>>>>>>>>> Radio ClubBVARC mailing 
>>>>>>>>> listBVARC@bvarc.org
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>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Anthony Morones 
>>>>>>>>          W5LIC
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>     713-410-3948
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Anthony Morones 
>>>>>>>          W5LIC
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>>>>>>>     713-410-3948
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>>>>>> Radio Club BVARC mailing 
>>>>>> listBVARC@bvarc.org
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> -- 
> Commander Richard Bonica
> Mission Bend Emergency Team(MBET)
> C: 281.935.7222
> Email: <>
> Freq: 147.000 - DMR - Digital Mobile 
> Territory: NE Fort Bend 
> CERT, CST, EST, WEB EOC, HSEEP, FEMA PD, Wilderness First Aid, CPR, Extra 
> Ameture Radio
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> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
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Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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