My last email was directed mainly to Richard KG5YCU

On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 3:43 PM anthony moro <> wrote:

> Your email makes sense but has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I
> sent the email to let people know that we will still be doing POTA events.
> Just not with the BVARC name. We are going back to the way we did things
> when we first started things. It has nothing to do with what the BOD has
> said or done. I am only speaking for myself at this time, but I was happy
> helping HAMS during POTA. There are many reasons why we are doing the
> events without BVARC and we talked about this during WFD. I agree we need
> to try to be more professional as operators. That goes for all of us. From
> the Top Brass to the lowest man on the pole.
> So for everybody watching this email thread. We will give out more info on
> what Kori and I are going to be doing next.
> Thanks, 73
> On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 10:47 AM Richard Bonica via BVARC <>
> wrote:
>> OK - I have sat quiet...
>> As a BVARC member, I have worked to welcome everyone. Even the strangest
>> of us.
>> I have recently heard issues and quickly went to talk to take care of
>> them. I hope that those who I have been working with are in agreement. I
>> invite anyone that disagrees to please call and tell me, I will do my best
>> to fix that.
>> I have even heard bashing about me because people did not know the entire
>> story and thought they were bashing one person and actually slamming me and
>> knowing why what was happening.
>> I have talked to a few people and found that the grumbling is either a
>> misunderstanding or 2 views of the same story and not seeing each other's
>> perspective.
>> Eddy, if you like - please feel free to call me, as a matter of fact, I
>> have a few questions to ask you also.
>> NOTE TO ALL!!!!!  This is NOT meant as me asking Eddy in a MEAN way, I am
>> wanting to talk to Eddy as a member and I consider, after working with him
>> last year at Hamfest, a friend.
>> I hope that is true with him in return and we as a team can get through a
>> few questionable requests. If it does not -- trust me, I am not going to
>> slam him on the board.
>> Also, for those that have served in the Military and Para-military, the
>> phrase, "Praise in public, punish in private." should mean something.
>> I am doing this as an example member, please, if you have an issue with a
>> member (My other brother and sister radio operators) talk to them. If that
>> does not work, get another person (Not a mob) to help work with them.
>> Some day, we may need eachother weather on the radio or in life. Our
>> common interest should be what brings us together.
>> And as for being example members, let me bring to your attention, we have
>> youth in this system too. Example, KI5IOC   He has been around and with
>> BVARC for 15 years. He was 3 the first time he spent an entire night
>> sleeping at the fire fields. From there, he got interested in the radios
>> and was with the group. We have a few SKs that took his hand and yanked him
>> in. Now from their example, he is trying to get his General and be a senior
>> in High School and get ready for a far away college. So let's set a good
>> example of a world where when we are too old to bark, we want to be. I have
>> not been able to get to the farmer's market due to family issues, but I am
>> trying to go and get more youth interested.
>> I remember a time when we used to have field day out at the fire field
>> and we were happy to have lunch at the sametime and sit at the table eating
>> burgers, dogs, chips, and various desserts. Conversation was ALWAYS about
>> family, radios, what our homebrew project was, and who was a bigger nerd.
>> Let's get back to that. (Well.. as a proof read, Daphne and team, don't
>> stop the nice food array we have had so far.. I need to keep my Dad Bod
>> Image up... and it helps a lot when it is really good..)
>> I am going to start a new BVARC challenge, TicToc influenced, go bury a
>> hatchet with someone and let's get back to what we once were. If you have
>> an issue with anyone, PATCH IT, and POST THAT!!!!
>> Also, if you see two people having an issue, don't take sides and see if
>> you can compromise.  And once again POST THAT!!!
>> For all - remember, when all hell breaks loose, we as radio operators are
>> expected to be the voice of the world, we can not do that if we are not
>> talking to each other..
>> If anyone has an issue with what I just wrote, feel free to call me and
>> tell me -- I am open..  If you feel like bashing me here -- fine too -- I
>> will take the hire road and not return fire. (I turn the other cheek many
>> times - gives the other one a rest)
>> And for all of those who said to not get involved, sorry, these are my
>> friends and neighbors, I am not going to sit silently as I watch people be
>> bashed and exiled.
>> All, have a happy rest of your day and
>> "This is KG5YCU for ID , Over and Out ,  30 - 73" :)
>> P.S. Eddy, I am writing this from your reply just because I need to talk
>> to you too. nothing else.....
>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 4:48 PM Eddie Runner via BVARC <>
>> wrote:
>>> Im sorry to hear that .. I think POTA is amazing and fills so many
>>> blanks for
>>> BVARC and the Ham radio community...
>>> 1) can you ever beat a beautiful day in the park
>>> 2) be a catch (cause a pileup)
>>> 3) Afternoon with some great friends
>>> 4) opportunity to welcome new folks to HAM and to BVARC..
>>> Suzanne and I bought BVARC banners and other stuff out of our own pockets
>>> to help bring the POTA MASTERS in as a BVARC EVENT.. All has been working
>>> great as far as I knew..
>>> I have posted on this before I think,
>>> but again at the last BOARD meeting there was
>>> some questions about using the club call, about illegal operations and
>>> other
>>> questions a board member(s) posed..    even though the board did
>>> set a budget to help POTA ..  the masters felt disrespected and .. well
>>> The POTA MASTERS got butt hurt...
>>> I dont blame them, they dont use BVARC equipment, they use their own
>>> radios
>>> (and other volunteer radios)..
>>> Like I said before, BVARC NEEDS POTA, more then POTA needs BVARC.
>>> POTA is super popular, I think our board members and especially our
>>> needs to be kissin some POTA  A*S...!!
>>> These POTA guys are SUPERSTARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> BVARC needs to make this a priority..
>>> If you do not agree or do not understand POTA
>>> *please GO TO POTA EVENT..  *it is true ham radio at its finest..
>>> I ask our board to REALIZE how important this is,
>>> buy a couple POTA radios, really make it a BVARC EVENT support these
>>> guys..
>>> And I ask our POTA MASTERS to take the stupid abuse for a minute
>>> and forgive the MORONS that hurt your feelings and lets have some fun..
>>> Eddie Runner (NU5K)
>>> in the last year a lot of folks seem to get hurt feelings.. WISE UP BOD..
>>> we need to welcome folks not run them off..
>>> Hello all,
>>>              I am writing this message to let everybody know about the
>>> changes we are making to the BVARC POTA Event. We will no longer be running
>>> the event as a BVARC (Brazos Valley Armature Radio Club) affiliated one. We
>>> will not be doing it every month. *We will however still do the event
>>> for the city. *This means we are inviting every club in the city of
>>> Houston and beyond. We are looking into a way to let everyone know when and
>>> where we are going to do the event. For now February the 25th is the last
>>> BVARC sponsored POTA Event. We are looking at doing it six times out of the
>>> year. Times will be determined by the event managers. More info to come on
>>> the upcoming events and where to find us.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Your Friendly POTA Operators
>>> Anthony-W5LIC / Kori-WX5KR
>>> ________________________________________________
>>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>>> BVARC mailing list
>>> Publicly available archives are available here:
>> --
>> Commander Richard Bonica
>> Mission Bend Emergency Team(MBET)
>> C: 281.935.7222
>> Email:
>> Freq: 147.000 - DMR - Digital Mobile
>> Territory: NE Fort Bend
>> CERT, CST, EST, WEB EOC, HSEEP, FEMA PD, Wilderness First Aid, CPR, Extra
>> Ameture Radio
>> ________________________________________________
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>> BVARC mailing list
>> Publicly available archives are available here:
> --
> *Anthony Morones*
> *         W5LIC*
> * <>*
> *    713-410-3948*

*Anthony Morones*
*         W5LIC*
* <>*
*    713-410-3948*
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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