Hi Stephen.

You can find the repository here: https://gitlab.com/FoxyFoxie/pax25/

As mentioned, only the application layer has been built, with some shims for the frame queue/connections/etc.

It is extensively documented, though there aren't diagrams. It includes a walk-through tutorial on how to build your own app, and includes an example BBS app that demonstrates its capabilities. The included BBS app only took me a day or two to write in the library and does nearly everything my TNC's built-in BBS does.

The getting started guide <https://gitlab.com/FoxyFoxie/pax25/-/blob/master/documentation/contributing/development_setup.md> will walk you through building the documentation for reading locally. If you have any trouble with it, please file an issue so I can take a closer look :)



On 2/11/24 16:48, Stephen Flowers wrote:
Hey Fox,
Good afternoon.  I remember chatting with you at a brews with BVARC about a python library for ham comms that you were developing.  Do you have a GitHub repository or a SW architecture/block diagram of the signal flow?  Just wondering.  BTW, this sounds really cool.

Stephen (W2WF)

On Feb 11, 2024, at 9:02 AM, Fox Danger Piacenti via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:

Hi Scott and Terry,

There are also a few persons (such as myself) running individual nodes with things like BBSes. I'm currently working on some Python libraries with a few friends to make some new custom AX.25 apps that can do much more than packet radio has historically done. Right now a first version of the application layer is working and a friend is working on the protocol part.

In Houston, the big digipeater is named BIGBOY. You can usually connect to most systems in the area through it using your TNC. I have a node named 'FOXBOX' which you can contact through it. The command on your node is likely to be something like:


There's also another mailbox that a few people use run by K5PBM. It's named PBMBOX. BIGBOY also has an address you can connect to as a jump box, but I forget the name. It announces it every few hours or so.

This is all on 145.05, so if you were listening on another frequency, you might not have found any of this.



On 2/11/24 08:47, terry leatherland via BVARC wrote:
Scott, That's a perfect case for APRS digipeater works. You should do some googling on that and see what special software interfaces you need. I use a Tiny Tracker  but it is offline for a while. Long range I'm converting the Tiny Tracker to a Raspberry Pi HAM digital utility but I don't have enough time to attend to it yet. Still not retired. Kd5you is one of  our Winlink experts. The Ft Bend County Emerg  Radio group uses Winlink check-in in every Monday.

Terry Leatherland, K5PGF
Sugar Land, Tx

On Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 02:38:18 PM CST, Scott Little via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:

Hi all,
I recently got setup for packet radio at the ham shack, but I haven't
found any good systems to connect to other than some Winlink nodes...
can anyone point me to some?
Scott KI5WLJ
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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