On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 01:43:53PM +0800, Lei Shi wrote:
> Hello, everyone
> This patch include two major change groups. one is fixing the dns lookup
> issue due to dummy dns information of a disconnected adapter(in my case is
> a bluetooth adapter). I changed the dns lookup policy to try
> GetNetworkParams first because the GetNetworkParams provides the most
> reliable dns information(lots of checks were done by system).
> I also filter out inoperable adapter in DNS_AdaptersAddresses in case
> GetNetworkParams fail.
> the other is explicit invoke ANSI version Win32 API in case compile c-ares
> in unicode environment.
> Best Wishes
> Lei Shi.


I can't comment on the patch contents myself at all, because I'm not a
Windows developer, but I guess it would be easier for others to review if
the patch was a git-formatted one or a github pull request since c-ares
uses git and github anyway.

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