I try use the c-client API to build a IMAP proxy.
I have a serious problem with the search.
I try to perform a search on a mailbox with the mail_search_full but when I perform some stressing tests this function crashed.
I use it in a multi-threaded program like below :
    SEARCHPGM *sPgm;
    long lFlags;
    sPgm = mail_criteria("UNDELETED SUBJECT VoiceMail);
    lFlags = SE_FREE;
When i look the generated core file, the crash is often in the "imap_parse_unsolicited" function.
This function parse the reply. The parsing seems to be based on the reply->key value.
When the function crashed, the reply looks like :
{line = 0x8916638 " INTERNALDATE", tag = 0x89183b0 "", key = 0x89183b2 "", text = 0x89183b4 ""}
Is it normal that the key is empty ?
Thank's for your help

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