
After realising all the trouble with sorting uw-imap 'owned' mailfolders with procmail I wrote my own 'reprocmail' in PHP using c-client. Works mostly great! I have found one bug thou. It might be obsolet, as i run an old c-client (from debian stable).

Anyway, I have a 'kill' option that removes the mailbox if it is empty after the mail in it has been resorted. But if it contains a pseudo messages, the removal of the folder fail becose it's not empty - but it is exept for the pseudo messages. It might be a matter of opinion, but I consider that a bug. Not a terable one, but a slightly anoying one.

I use old fasion unix mailbox format if thats of relevans, probably shuld switch to mbx :-)

If anyone shuld be intrested in 'reprocmal', mail me and I put it on a website, quick and dirty.

Thanks /LaH

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