Am 28.02.2004 um 12:22 schrieb Vincent Massol:
One last try to convince you that we should release 1.6. If I do not
succeed we'll deliver a 1.5.1... :-)


1/ The Cactus versioning is as follows: major.minor.patch => 1.6 would
be a minor release. 1.5.1 would mean a patch release but it's not
really. Actually there are more additions/updates than fixes. Out of 21
changes there are:
  - 11 new additions
  - 3 updates
  - 7 fixes

2/ We have moved to ASL 2.0

3/ All past versions of Cactus have so far been of the type major.minor
except for patch releases (there was only one I think: 1.4.1 because 1.4
was quite buggy).

4/ Among the new additions there is a big one: The Maven plugin for
Cactus, which itself warrants a new minor release I think.

5/ It's easier to release a 1.6 than a 1.5.1 as everything everywhere is
tagged with 1.6 now (including docs like the feature page, etc). Also
users are expecting that the next release is 1.6, not 1.5.1.

6/ I'd like to release the new maven plugin under a 1.6 version rather
than a 1.5.1 (it's more consistent with the fact that all users have
been using 1.6 snapshots so far).

All in all, I think we have enough changes to make it a 1.6 release.

What do you think? :-)

I think 1.6 is fine. There aren't as many changes as for 1.5, but then 1.5 took us a very long time to release, and arguably had too much new or changed stuff ;-)

About the new license. As far as I understand, we should really stay closer to the names LICENSE AND NOTICE. Currently they're called LICENSE.cactus and NOTICE.cactus. (at the bottom) says it's okay to add a ".txt" extension, but it sounds like anything else would be to much. I think we should drop the ".cactus" part. There's not much benefit to it anyway IMO.

Also, the ASF board announced that it would prefer to see @autor tags removed from Java sources. Is this something we should do for the release? I for one agree with the reasoning behind this decision, and would be in favor of removing the tags. The contributors are all listed in the docs and the website already.

Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at

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