Woohoo! :) Cela marche!

Yes, on one hand: in the first place I didn't have all of the cactus
jars in the JBoss paths as I was afraid they would mess with the JBoss
ones (httpclient), but #2 it was the three jars that I left in the JBoss
directory (with duplicates in WEB-INF/lib) that were messing things up.

Keeping things clean, I don't put anything in CLASSPATH.

Vince, clue me in... how do You find such bugs, is it just one of those
"hunches" given the stack trace?

I suppose if I placed _all_ (replacing ?old? JBoss ones) cactus jars at
the JBoss scope it should work too (?). Wouldn't replacing the older
version of commons-httpclient break JBoss? I now have to look into how
to ant'ify the testing process; will look on the net as You suggested.

Yes, the book is great, coming in very handy. I intend to use your
PetStore version as my M.A.Sc of Eng. Thesis case-study :D

Merci Beaucoup,

On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 21:51 +0100, Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Sowka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: mercredi 23 mars 2005 21:45
> > To: Cactus Users List
> > Subject: RE: Losing Hair
> > 
> > Vincent,
> > 
> > I tried the "Quickstart" app in order to trouble shoot Cactus+JBoss4, so
> > yes I've already taken a good part of the week to familiarize myself
> > with JUnit/Cactus with the help of your book (A BLESSING).
> Glad you liked it :-)
> > 
> > Using Tomcat is out of the question as I'm interested purely in testing
> > EJBs, but at this point I'm considering switching backwards to
> > JBoss3 :|.
> > 
> > That's correct, I'm using ServletTestRunner to start the tests. I've
> > compiled the Quickstart app with 1.3 servlet.jar, and... I've copied all
> > of the cactus jars in the WEB-INF/libs (just to be on the "safe" side,
> > but I doubt this is proper practise).
> > 
> > Here is the fool stack trace as reported by HTTP 500:
> > 
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: Wrapper cannot find servlet class
> > org.apache.cactus.server.runner.ServletTestRunner or a class it depends
> > on
> [snip]
> > root cause
> > 
> > java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> > org.apache.cactus.server.runner.ServletTestRunner
> [snip]
> > The error reported is different from the one I got before copying all of
> > the cactus libs to WEB-INF/lib,
> > it can at least find HttpServlet! ;)
> > 
> > Any ideas? Merci,
> Classloaders are the hardest thing to understand and I believe you have a
> classloader issue here. Am I right in thinking that you have a cactus jar in
> your System classpath or in jboss somewhere? If so, remove the cactus jar
> from all CPs and make sure that the only place it is put is in WEB-INF/lib
> of your webapp.
> Try that and it should work.
> -Vincent
> > Mike
> > 

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