On 01/03/07, Xu Xin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I had java.lang.ClassFormatError:when using Cactus with JRockit 5.0, I
searched the mail list, found other users also had the same issue. Buf
I upgraded the aspectj library to 5.1 and build Cactus from source, it
worked fine.

Cactus team, could you please update the aspectj in the standard
distribution which should be rebuilt with the aspect 5.1? That will save
much of maintainance effort for Cactus users.



Hi Xu,

thank you for the proposition. I see that there is an issued that has been
closed in the JIRA (see [1]). As a matter of fact we are now working on the
maven2 build system, and our plan is to switch from Ant. We are going to
consider the dependency, so that to ensure this kind of error is no longer

Once again thank you for pointing this, and have a nice day.


Regards, Petar!
Karlovo, Bulgaria.

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