Sorry AD7six,

I develop always with FireFox and also tested this with IE 6,
both with the same results.

Further more I don't think it is a wrong server setting on my local
system, the other applications i program also use sessions without
problems. So i really think something is wrong with cake's session
handling on windows. ( but i don't know that much about cake ofcourse )

Because i don't really know what kind of details are needed i'll post
as much as i can think of.

1. A piece of code which sets the session var and a detailed
description of what (should) happen:

class AuthController extends AppController

        function index()

                //login actions
                if (empty ($this->params['data']))
                        //show form
                        //a echo for debugging
                        echo $_SESSION['user'];

                else // validate post
                        if( $this->Auth->validate(
$this->params['data']['Auth']['password'] ) ){
'Auth.user',$this->params['data']['Auth']['username'] );
                               // tested with cake way and the ordinary
                                $_SESSION['user'] = 
                                $this->flash('OK', '/auth', 1);
                                $this->Session->delete( 'Auth.user' );
                                $this->flash('NOT OK', '/auth', 1);


a. First i call this controller. I am then required to login.
b. When my password validates a session vars Auth.user is written in
the session and
c. a flash ( ok ) is given. ( by the way; the flash never redirects me
automatic? maybe a piece of the puzzle?)
d. I click on the link to the same controller, it should now echo my
previously set session var.
On my windows server it does not do this.
On my nix server it functions correctly.....


2. local server specs (a xampp install) (further down the session

Windows NT NOTEBOOK 5.1 build 2600System        Windows NT NOTEBOOK 5.1 build
Build Date      Jul 26 2005 01:13:07
Server API      Apache 2.0 Handler
Virtual Directory Support       enabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path       C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini
PHP API         20020918
PHP Extension   20020429
Zend Extension  20050606
Debug Build     no
Zend Memory Manager     enabled
Thread Safety   enabled
Registered PHP Streams  php, http, ftp, https, ftps, compress.zlib

Session Support         enabled
Registered save handlers        files user

Directive       Local Value     Master Value
session.auto_start      Off     Off
session.bug_compat_42   On      On
session.bug_compat_warn On      On
session.cache_expire    180     180
session.cache_limiter   nocache nocache
session.cookie_domain   no value        no value
session.cookie_lifetime 0       0
session.cookie_path     /       /
session.cookie_secure   Off     Off
session.entropy_file    no value        no value
session.entropy_length  0       0
session.gc_divisor      100     100
session.gc_maxlifetime  1440    1440
session.gc_probability  1       1    PHPSESSID       PHPSESSID
session.referer_check   no value        no value
session.save_handler    files   files
session.save_path       C:\xampp\tmp    C:\xampp\tmp
session.serialize_handler       php     php
session.use_cookies     On      On
session.use_only_cookies        Off     Off
session.use_trans_sid   Off     Off

3. remote server specs (further down the session settings)

System  FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p15 FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p15
#9: Fr i386
Build Date      Jan 4 2006 23:16:00
Configure Command       './configure' '--enable-versioning'
'--enable-memory-limit' '--with-layout=GNU'
'--with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/etc/php' '--disable-all'
'--with-regex=php' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr'
'--with-apxs=/usr/local/sbin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr/local'
Server API      Apache
Virtual Directory Support       disabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path       /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files         /usr/local/etc/php
additional .ini files parsed    /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini
PHP API         20020918
PHP Extension   20020429
Zend Extension  20050606
Debug Build     no
Zend Memory Manager     enabled
Thread Safety   disabled
Registered PHP Streams  php, http, ftp, https, ftps, compress.zlib,

Session Support         enabled
Registered save handlers        files user

Directive       Local Value     Master Value
session.auto_start      Off     Off
session.bug_compat_42   On      On
session.bug_compat_warn On      On
session.cache_expire    180     180
session.cache_limiter   nocache nocache
session.cookie_domain   no value        no value
session.cookie_lifetime 0       0
session.cookie_path     /       /
session.cookie_secure   Off     Off
session.entropy_file    no value        no value
session.entropy_length  0       0
session.gc_divisor      100     100
session.gc_maxlifetime  1440    1440
session.gc_probability  1       1    PHPSESSID       PHPSESSID
session.referer_check   no value        no value
session.save_handler    files   files
session.save_path       /tmp    /tmp
session.serialize_handler       php     php
session.use_cookies     On      On
session.use_only_cookies        Off     Off
session.use_trans_sid   Off     Off

I hope this gives enough data to solve the problem.


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