Another wiki page that references configuration for XAMPP

It relates to virtual hosts but the configuration suggestions there might help you key in on the root of the problem.

On 5/23/06, John Zimmerman [gmail] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Also, if you want to look at a hosting setup that supports PHP, MySQL, Rails (if you choose), and various other things is a great host that allows for commad line SSH access.

I am doing my development and most of my deployment on their servers and have had 0 problems with Cake.

Something like this would allow you to not have to worry about apache configuration on your local machine.

On 5/23/06, John Zimmerman [gmail] < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here is a link to an XAMPP specific reference in the wiki.

Just to reiterate and add to what was said before.

  1. Apache Problems are not Cake Problems
  2. Cake is Free
  3. The List is in fact active.  Just count the TOTAL number of posts to the group today.
  4. Have you logged onto IRC to ask questions?
  5. The creators and maintainers of Cake really aren't here to support infividuals (although I am sure everyone is trying to help as many people as possible, for free, as often as possible).  They are here to support their project and the group.  Individualized attention and support is usually something that comes with commercial software.
  6. Be patient.  Cake is a good framework which will become more robust over time (including the documentation)
If you can post your htaccess file maybe someone who is also running XAMPP can analyze it, comparing it to their setup and suggest some changes.

If you require XAMPP help specifically you can also try to find someone with XAMPP experience on their support forums

People will help.  Just be patient and be sure to give us as much relevent info as possible.

On 5/23/06, John David Anderson (_psychic_) < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 23, 2006, at 6:50 PM, DavePorter wrote:

> HI All,
> I still can't get things working....
> I cannot find a definitive document that tells me how to configure
> things.
> There are mistakes in the docs for configuring Apache  ( AllowOveride
> All  spelling error ).
> I found three occurances of AllowOverride in my httpd.conf.  Do I
> replace all of them with All OR which one of the three is the one !

Well, it should only be for the part of the server that  you have
Cake in. Its usually not the manual or the icons but just the '/'
directory. Maybe it would help for you to supply examples of what
you're referencing.

> I find a number of different versions of the manual around the place. is the official manual.

> This newsgroups appears very quiet.  The irc was no help - no one
> responded to my requests for help !

Sorry - we try hard to be available. You can't really complain about
free, though.

> I came to CakePHP after looking at RoR and I'm close to going back
> there.  As I know php and not Ruby I thought this would be a way to
> go.

Do whatever you think is best. Please realize that Apache
configuration problems are not CakePHP configuration problems, though
they are closely related. Cake doesn't require mod_rewrite, so if
push comes to shove, we can help you use Cake without it.

-- John

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