It depends on way how You're using requestAction().

If You're using it like:
$somedata = $this->requestAction('/some/url');
then it is supposed to be quite fast, as target controller's action is
not rendered. Off course there is new dispatch process for every such a
call, but it is cool, because You can use routed-url's and passing
parameters like requestAction('/url',
array('myParamName'=>'myParamValue')) with requestAction() also.

BUT: if You're using it like
$renderedView = $this->requestAction('/some/url', array('return'));
(so You will obtain rendered view content), then targetted controller's
action is rendered, so extra instance of View class is created for it,
there is used output buffer and if You're using rendering by
requestAction() often in during of one request, Your page generation
time will slow down a little bit - 'how big bit' depends on many

I was talking about same thing some time ago at IRC with one of core
devs and his propose to me was: use requestAction() for obtaining data
and pass them to renderElement() method - so all render-actions will be
maked in lifetime of one View instance.

I hope it makes sense, I speak English like Tarzan.

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