After using CakePHP for several internal projects now, a couple of
small things about these two helpers are starting to niggle. I want to
get some feedback before submitting any tickets though.

First off, is their a good reason for 'labelTag' in the form helper?
All of the inputs for the form are in the HTML helper, as well as all
of the form validation stuffs.
I noticed in one of the latest changesets that nate has sorted the
IDREF inconsistency between label and field, which is only a good thing
thing. Thumbs up.
However, I think Form::labelTag needs deprecating and Html::labelTag
needs adding (with attribute support so we can assign classes to them).
To quote the wiki:-

"There should be no surprises in the code."

Secondly, none of the deprecated functions pro-actively tell you they
are deprecated. Since no errors are allowed though in a production
setup (i.e. DEBUG==0), what do you think about them throwing notices
about being deprecated?

Finally (in a move towards usability compliance out of the box), I
think that Html::textarea should provide defaults for cols / rows if
they are not set in the attributes.
I know this seems like a stupid one, but I use CSS to set the width &
height of my textareas whoch means that I don't usually specifiy
cols/rows. However, in order to comply with WAI AA cols AND rows MUST
be specified.

What do you think? I may have missed something blindingly obvious with
the Form::labelTag thing but I've modded the core with the changes I've
suggested on two projects now and it has no adverse side effects.

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