Well you could refactor the Search functionality into an own model, which would make
sense to me. But you don't necessarily have to do that. You can put this in any controller
to say that no Model is being used:

var $uses = array();

But really, if you plan to implement a quality search into a high usage web site, you should
seriously consider maintaining an own search index as well as to do some regex on the
queries (so users can use "two words" and such). Once you get into this topic you'll find out,
that doing a good job on search (even for your own db), is not all that easy. I mean you can
literally spend 50 hours (and more ...) to write the code required for an intelligent search tool.
I've worked on a file search tool for my personal use in CakePHP, and I was really surprised
about the complexity that comes with it. If I find some time this sommer I might try to create a
Generic Search Model for CakePHP, that will work together with different types of crawlers you
can create by yourself (DB Tables, RSS feeds, Html, XML, Image Meta data, ...). I think it's quite
an interesting topic and if anybody else would be interested in it it might well be worth a little
CakeForge project.

Best Regards,
Felix Geisendörfer

carlosrg schrieb:
But, we need a model for this Controller, it's ok? What should be the


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