Hi sclough,

first of all, I can't answer your question about what framework is faster, but I think
that is a hard thing to determine anyway. Because how do you make a test that
measures speed across different scripting languages on different server environments,
that is fair to all of them? I think server configuration has a lot of influence on theh speed
of the applications you are going to choose, and since there is neither an "optimal" nor
a "standard" configuration you could use for each framework, you can't really compare
their individual configurations against each other. Now you can probably get get fairly
reasonable results for a comparison between Code Ignitor, CakePHP and Symphony,
since they will all run under the same setup, but even there, each one of them might
performs best under certain conditions. So my suggestion about performance concerns
is (as always): CPU Cycles are cheap these days, but maintenances for complex
applications isn't. So if you decide for higher performance instead of better code
readability and simplicity, you might don't save anything in terms of costs, or even loose
a lot of money through it.

So to get you a little more advice about how you should make your decision: CakePHP is
coded very nicely, and isn't wasteful with it's resources. Now there are probably things
you can optimize in it, but the real performance increase comes from how you write your
application. Be smart about the way you code your most frequently requested sites, use
caching (cakephp has build in view caching, as well as persistent Models, and other neat
functions that will help you).

But really, all of this should happen after you coded your applications, because optimizing
things because there it's necessary might just wastes your time.

If you want to go with PHP I think there is no reason to not use CakePHP, if you want Ruby,
use Rails.

That's about all I can say, I don't know if anybody was able to do any fair cross-server comparisons.

Best Regards, Felix

sclough wrote:
I'm not trying to make this flamebait or anything, but I was wondering
if anyone had done any real performance comparisons between Cake and
Rails?  I have used Cake and do like it.  I've also used Code Igniter
and I really liked it emphasis on being lightweight and fast, but it
does not support table relations and there were a few other things that
I thought were better in Cake.  Plus, it has a much smaller community
and seems to be controlled by one developer.

Anyway, the reason for my question is that rails is very attractive to
me, but I have worked with php for years and like the tried and true
LAMP stack and do not feel as comfortble with the hosting stack for
rails yet.  I know that rails has one set of tests up on their site
that show Symphony to be much slower than rails and Django to be much
faster putting them in the middle.  I was wondering if anybody has done
any (or seen any) cake to rails comparisions?

The reason I ask is that I'm working with someone on an idea for a web
application that will be hosted and sold commerically as a hosted
product.  As such, the better performance I get, the fewer servers I
need and the bigger cushion I have for peak usage.  As I like cake and
rails both, I was wondering if anyone knew what they were like speed
wise.  Rails scares me a little because there is so much magic going on
under the hood that I wonder about it taking up a lot of process memory
on the server and being slow to host in this sort of environment.  Of
course, cake is doing a lot of magic as well, and I don't have a feel
for how faster or slow it's going to be yet either.  I know the code
igniter guys, for example, claim that ci  is way faster than cake, but
I know that speed is their primary goal and I do not know if they did
any tuning on cake for their "tests."

Thanks for listening to my ramblings, I'm not looking for "rails
stinks" or "cake is terrible," or "ruby has a terrible syntax", a lot
of that comes down to personal preference and I see things in both
languages I like so I like both I'm just wondering if anybody has some
real world experience with the performance on a very active web


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