Hello !

I'm in a dilemma.
I have the following tables:

CREATE TABLE `langs` (
  `lang_id` tinyint(3) auto_increment,
  `abrev` varchar(32),
  `name` varchar(32),
  PRIMARY KEY  (`lang_id`)

CREATE TABLE `seasons` (
  `season_id` smallint(5) auto_increment,
  `year` varchar(16),
  `begin_date` date,
  `end_date` date,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`season_id`)

CREATE TABLE `seasons_langs` (
  `season_id` smallint(5),
  `lang_id` tinyint(3),
  `info` text,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`season_id`,`lang_id`)

In the 'langs' table I'll ad different languages. So, when I add a
record in the seasons table, I'll add N records in the 'seasons_langs'
table (N depends on the number of the languages, i.e. the records in
the 'langs' table.
I am not sure wich model to choose for this schema in CakePHP. A
possible approach is to define

class Season {

var $hasMany = array('SeasonLang');

class SeasonLang {

var $belongsTo = array('Season');

The another approach is HABTM with the three tables.
What do you think ?

Best regards, Stoyan.

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