
Sorry that I have not respondend! I have been very busy with work the
last week.

Ralph: Thank you for your detailed answer! I will defiantly look at
full text search later! Your exampled helped me understand the cake
controller better :)

Sohei: There is a missing ) in the first line after index.thtml

Below is my final search code. I have resused my index page that normal
displays all recipes.
form: (put in view or index)
<form action="<?php echo $html->url('/recipes/search'); ?>"
        <?php echo $html->input('Recipe/name'); ?>
        <?php echo $html->submit('search');?>

    function search() {
        if(empty($this->data)) {
        } else {
            $conditions =array();
            $search_term = $this->data['Recipe']['name'];
            $conditions['Recipe']['name'] = "LIKE %{$search_term}%";
            $recipes = $this->Recipe->findAll($conditions);
            $this->set('recipes', $recipes);

Best regards.
Asbjørn Morell.

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